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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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New York


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New York Food Festivals & Shows
(Food, Wine, Beer & Agricultural Events)

2024 - 2025 NEW YORK Month by month Listings

January  |  February  |  March  |  April  |  May  |  June  | July

August  |  September  |  October  |  NoveMBER  |  DECEMBER

CLICK ON THE MONTHS ABOVE for a Complete Listing for Hundreds of New York Food Festivals, with Descriptions and Links.


Here are JUST A FEW Featured Festivals:

December 31
Times Square New Year's Eve Ball
New York, New York
Every year as the clock nears midnight on December 31, the eyes of the world turn once more to the dazzling lights and bustling energy of Times Square. Anticipation runs high. New Year's Eve at the symbolic center of New York City has become more than just a celebration — it's a global tradition.

February - NYS Ice Wine & Culinary Festival
Fairport, New York
Authentic Ice Wines are a challenge to produce and are therefore rare and special. In order to qualify as a true ice wine, the wines must be produced from grapes that have been frozen on the vine. The frozen grapes must be picked and pressed within hours of the first sustained freeze.  New York is one of the very few places in the world that has the climate to support traditional ice wine production, thus producing a rich, sweet and smooth wine.

March - New York Maple Weekend
Statewide, New York
Our goal during Maple Weekend is to share the taste of real mouth-watering maple syrup with you.  Maple producers will demonstrate how to make syrup -- whether it’s simply boiling the sap over an open fire or running it through highly scientific equipment -- the results always taste great!


New York Food Facts and Trivia



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