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United States Food Festival Section: Listed by State & Month

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South Dakota


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South Dakota Food Festivals & Food Shows

JANUARY to MAY   -   June, July, August   -   September to December

2025 South Dakota: January to May 2025

(see also: 2024  -  2023  -  2019  -  2018 )


January 7-9, 2025
Dakota Farm Show
Vermillion, South Dakota
The DAKOTA Farm Show has kicked off the new year by showcasing over 280 exhibitors representing over 1000 agricultural products and services, all inside the temperature-controlled USD DakotaDome.  Join over 25,000 agricultural producers from South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota to review the latest farm technology focused on improving yields, reducing costs, and managing risk.  Attendance: 25,000.

January 21-26, 2025  Sioux Empire Livestock Show
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Since 1954, the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce has been sponsoring one of the best farm shows in the upper Midwest. Over the years the show has grown to include the best market and purebred livestock from across the region as well as the latest in agricultural commercial exhibits.  Attendance: 30,000.

January 22-24, 2025  Sioux Falls Farm Show - Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The Sioux Falls Farm Show is part of Sioux Falls annual Salute to Agriculture. This event ties together the Sioux Falls Farm Show with the Sioux Empire Farm Show, the area’s premier livestock event hosted at WH Lyon Fairgrounds.

February 12-15, 2025  Watertown Winter Farm Show
Watertown, South Dakota
The Watertown Winter Farm Show is a five day event filled with entertainment and education for all ages. Celebrating our 73rd year, we have been an outlet for the agriculture community to share new programs, opportunities, and ideas. Featured events include livestock shows and sales, home and family programs, educational presentations, commercial exhibits, zoo demonstrations and a Lego contest.  (also: )


February 14, 2025 - VALENTINE’S DAY
Most of the more than 1/2 million restaurants in the U.S. have special events scheduled for today. They are too numerous to list.

February 15-22, 2025  National FFA Week - Nationwide
The week of George Washington's birthday as National FFA Week in recognition of his legacy as an agriculturist and farmer.

March 3-7, 2025 - National School Breakfast Week - Nationwide
School Nutrition Association.  'Make the Grade with School Breakfast.'

March 7-9, 2025  National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Whatever your passion - whether it's pheasants or quail, conservation, bird dogs, shooting, cooking wild game, or passing on our hunting heritage to the next generation, the National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic has something for you!

March 18, 2025 - 'AgDay' National Agriculture Day - Nationwide
A day to recognize & celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.

2024 South Dakota: January to May 2024
waiting for new dates

February 24-25, 2024  43rd Annual Sioux Falls SD Toy Show
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Ramkota Exhibit Hall - Saturday 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. - Sunday 9 A.M. - 3 P.M.

March 1-3, 2024  National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Whatever your passion - whether it's pheasants or quail, conservation, bird dogs, shooting, cooking wild game, or passing on our hunting heritage to the next generation, the National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic has something for you!

April 22, 2024 - Earth Day - Worldwide

May 12, 2024  MOTHER’S DAY - Nationwide
Most restaurants in the U.S. have special events scheduled for today. They are too numerous to list.

2023 South Dakota: January to May 2024
waiting for new dates

May 20, 2023  Rib & Chili Cook-Off - Rapid City, South Dakota
The Rib & Chili Cook-Off is hosted in conjunction with Frühlingsfest.  Chili Entrants will have until 1:50pm sharp to turn in their entries to the official’s table. Rib Entrants will have until 2:30pm sharp to turn in their entries to the official’s table. Judging will begin immediately following entry submission and awards for both competitions will be presented 3:00pm.

2019 South Dakota: January to May 2019
waiting for new dates

April 20, 2019 - Eggstravaganza - Rapid City, South Dakota
Grab your basket and hop down to Main Street Square for Eggstravaganza, featuring one of the area’s biggest Easter egg hunt in Memorial Park, family-friendly activities, and an opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny. There is something fun for everyone in the Regional Health and Scull Construction Kidz Zone, with inflatables, the Main Street Square Fun Express train, face painting, games, and more.

May 17, 2019  Huron Turkey Days - Huron, South Dakota
Just when you think you have seen it all... the annual Huron Turkey Races takes place every spring in downtown Huron! The event draws huge crowds eager to watch teams of two try to encourage their "turkey" team cross the finish line first for a chance to win a $1,000 nest egg. Sponsorships are available for purchase by local businesses and individuals. This year, a new twist has been added, football. Get ready for some football!  Activities include skills games, a turkey pot pie eating contest, and more!  Turkey legs and fowl balls will also be available to test your palate.

2018 South Dakota: January to May 2018
waiting for new dates

May 10, 2018  Art and Wine Festival - Rapid City, South Dakota
Browse this hip and happy maker’s market while tasting a variety of flavorful wine samples! With wine glass in hand, you can peruse dozens of booths featuring an eclectic blend of handcrafted items, artisan designs, vintage treasures, and fabulous finds to inspire your creative soul. Enjoy live music, a wine pull and wine auction to stock your cellar for the year. The event is free to attend.



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