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United States Food Festival Section:  Listed by State & Month

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UNITED STATESColorado >  Colorado: January

COLORADO:  January  -  February  -  March  -  April   -   May   -   June  -  July  -  August  -  September  -  October  -  November  -  December

Check previous year if event is not yet updated to current year

Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events

(see also: 2024)


November 23, 2024-Jan 5, 2025
Zoo Lights - Denver, Colorado


January 11-26, 2025
National Western Stock Show, Rodeo & Horse Show
Denver, Colorado
The National Western Stock Show, the "Super bowl of cattle shows" - the world's largest.

January 25, 2025 - Manitou Springs Great Fruitcake Toss
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Location: Memorial Park (505 Manitou Avenue)  Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm  Cost: One non-perishable food item, which will be donated to Westside Cares Food Bank, is suggested for attendance.  Join local Manitoids to enjoy this old fashioned event of flying those left over fruitcakes! Old fashioned games of tossing fruitcakes, costume competition, libations and a fruitcake bake off!.  This local group brought back the Fruitcake Toss to the heart of Manitou. It all started in 1995 with locals throwing fruitcakes in the park, and 20 years later, we are going old school! Events will be pure feats of strength, and talent (and balance and taste!)

Food & Wine Festivals, Shows & Local Events
events waiting for new dates

January 4-6, 2024 - Annual Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival - Breckenridge, Colorado
EVENT CANCELED FOR 2024.  The Big Beers, Belgians & Barleywines Festival is a three day celebration of craft beer held in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Designed as a specialty beer festival focused on education, the Big Beers Festival also offers attendees the opportunity to enjoy the winter playground of Breckenridge, Colorado and has become a destination event for beer lovers and connoisseurs around the globe.


January 13, 2024  27th Lafayette Quaker Oatmeal Festival
Lafayette, Colorado
THIS WAS THE LAST OATMEAL FESTIVAL. This event has been discontinued.

January 27, 2024  Winter Brew Fest - Denver, Colorado
Come join us at the Denver Winter Brew Fest for a special two night celebration of craft beverages from around Denver and beyond. Enjoy top notch live local music, food and various other vendors.  This event benefits Swallow Hill Music Association who serve a large community with instruction and performance of musical art forms such as folk, blues, bluegrass, Celtic, jazz, world, roots and dance.



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