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Today in Food HistoryFOOD TIMELINE: >  1740 to '49




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1740 to 1749

1740 Jacob Schweppe was born. A German watchmaker and amateur scientist. Developed the first practical and commercially successful process for producing carbonated mineral water.

1741 Jethro Tull died. He was an English agriculturalist and inventor whose ideas were instrumental in the development of modern English agriculture. One of his inventions was a horse drawn seed planting drill that sowed 3 even rows of seeds at once. (1701)

1741 Anders Celsius developed the Centigrade temperature scale. Originally he had the freezing point of water at 100 and the boiling point at 0. This was reversed after his death to match the other temperature scales.

1741 Jean Etienne Bore was born. The inventor of the sugar granulating process (1794 or 1795), founder of sugar industry in Louisiana.

1742 Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin Stove. He purposely did not patent it, so that others could freely copy the design.

1742 A plague of grasshoppers destroyed crops in Pennsylvania.

1742 'The Compleat Housewife, or Accomplish'd Gentlewoman's Companion' is the first cookbook published in America (Williamsburg)

1743 Sir Joseph Banks was born (died 1820).  English botanist known for his promotion of the natural sciences. President of the Royal Society for over 40 years; adviser for King George III to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.

1744 Richard Lovell Edgeworth died. An Anglo-Irish inventor, among his many inventions and innovations were a turnip cutter, various improvements in agricultural machines, and a velocipede.

1744 Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck was born. He was a French naturalist, and believed in the inheritance of acquired traits. Some of his ideas influenced Darwin.

1744 Anders Celsius died (born 1701). Swedish astronomer, he developed the temperature scale which bears his name (Celsius). 

1745 The secret formula for Drambuie liqueur is supposedly given to the Mackinnon family by Prince Charles Edward.

1747 'Art of Cookery', by Hanna Glasse is published.

1747 The oldest cattle ranch in the US was started at Montauk on Long Island, New York.

1748 Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu was born.  A French botanist whose ideas formed the foundation of a  natural plant classification system.

1748 Joseph Bramah was born. An English engineer, among his many inventions was a beer engine, used to deliver beer from keg to glass without artificial carbonation being added.

1749 Nicolas Appert was born. (The year is listed in various sources as 1749, 1750 and 1752; month and day also varies in October and November).  Inventor of the canning process, preserving food by sealing it in sterilized containers. He published the results of 14 years of research in 1810 & received 12,000 franc award from French government.

1749 Sir Gilbert Blane was born.  A Scottish physician, he served as Physician to the Fleet and head of the Navy Medical Board. He was largely responsible for requiring citrus juice (lemons, later limes) on all naval vessel to prevent scurvy, and improving the general health and sanitary conditions of sailors.



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Today in Food HistoryFOOD TIMELINE: >  1740 to '49


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