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Today in Food HistoryFOOD TIMELINE: >  1770 to '79




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1770 to 1779

1770 Capt. James Cook discovered Botany Bay on the Australian continent.

1770 Marie-Anne de Cupis de Camargo Died. Born in Belgium, this ballerina danced with the Paris Opera. Escoffier named many gourmet dishes in her honor.

1770 Benjamin Franklin sent "some of the true rhubarb seed" from London to his friend John Bartram in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1771 James Baker (Baker's Chocolate) bought what is believed to be his first order of cocoa beans.

1772 The London Credit Exchange Company issued the first traveller's checks.

1772 Marc Antoine Desaugiers was born (died 1827).  French composer, song writer.  Wrote many songs about the joys of the table.

1773 Jeanne Baptiste Pointe de Sable founded a settlement where the city of Chicago now stands.  (See also March 4, 1837).

1773 Benjamin Delessert was born. French industrialist who developed the first successful process to extract sugar from sugar beets.

1773 The British Parliament passed the 'Tea Act,' one of the events that led to the American Revolution.

1773 The Boston Tea Party. A group of men dressed as Indians, boarded ships at Griffin's wharf and dumped hundreds of tea chests into Boston harbor. The American Revolution began.

1774 John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed was born. American pioneer and legend; planted apple seeds in Ohio River valley area (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois).

1774 Residents of Chestertown, Maryland  react to news of the Boston Tea Party by staging a similar protest, dumping a shipment of tea into the Chester River.

1775 The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General.

1775 English author and poet Charles Lamb was born.

1775 Pecan Day. George Washington planted pecan trees (some of which still survive) at Mount Vernon. The trees were supposedly a gift to Washington from Thomas Jefferson. Some sources date this planting at 1799.

1776 The Great Fire of 1776 in New York City.  During the British occupation of the city during the Revolutionary War a fire broke out at the Fighting Cocks Tavern, near Whitehall Slip. It destroyed between 10 and 25 percent of the 4,000 buildings in the city.

1777 Philip Lenzi, a London confectioner, ran the first advertisement for Ice Cream in the U.S. in the New York Gazette.

1777 Barbe-Nicole Clicquot was born (died July 29, 1866).  The Grand Dame of Champagne.  At age 27 she took over her husband Francois Clicquot's champagne house on his death.  Today Veuve Clicquo is one of the great premium champagne houses in France.

1777 William Bass was born (died 1836). English brewer, founder of Bass Brewery in 1777 in Burton-on-Trent.

1777 According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the first ice cream advertisement appeared in the New York Gazette on this date.

1777 The Battle of Brandywine in the American Revolutionary War. The British win, enabling them to capture Philadelphia.

1777 John Bartram died. An American botanist, and considered the  'father of American botany,' he established a botanical garden in Philadelphia in 1728.

1777 Johann Heinrich Lambert died. He proved that Apple pie was irrational.  Oops - never mind - that was 'pi' that he proved was an irrational number.

1777 Wheat was first planted in the U.S. as a hobby crop.

1778 Carolus Linnaeus died. He was a Swedish botanist who developed the system for defining and naming plants.

1778 Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands. He named them the Sandwich Islands, after Lord Sandwich, who was then first Lord of the Admiralty.

1779 Captain James Cook died. British explorer who charted and named many Pacific Islands, including the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii).

1779 Clement Clarke Moore was born. Author of classic poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (now popularly known as "The Night Before Christmas"). (see also 1822)

1779 Thomas Chippendale, famous furniture designer and maker died.

1779 The Smithfield Cattle and Sheep Society held the first Smithfield Show in London. It is now the leading agriculture show in the UK.


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Today in Food HistoryFOOD TIMELINE: >  1770 to '79


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