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Today in Food HistoryFOOD TIMELINE: >  1976 to '80




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1976 to 1980

1976 There are no red M&Ms from 1976 to 1987.

1976 The U.S. Department of Labor upgraded the definition of 'Chef' from 'domestic' to 'professional.'

1976 The popular food coloring, Red Dye No. 2, was banned by the FDA because studies had shown it might cause cancer. Red M&Ms disappeared for 11 years because of the ban.

1976 Larry Groce's song 'Junk Food Junkie' peaks at #9 on the music charts.

1976 Shooting at a soda bottle at his 41st birthday party, Jerry Lee Lewis accidentally shoots his bass player, Norman Owens (he makes a full recovery).

1976 'Disco Duck (Part 1)' by Rick Dees and His Cast of Idiots was #1 on the music charts.

1976 David Marine died (born 1888). An American pathologist whose research on the treatment of goitre with iodine led to the iodizing of table salt.

1976 In Oakville, Ontario a US-Canadian syndicate pays $235,000 for Hanover Hill Barb; highest price ever paid for a cow to that date.

1976 Iceland broke off diplomatic relations with Great Britain when the two couldn't settle their disagreement on the 'cod war' fishing dispute.

1976 Carl Peter Henrik Dam Died. Dam was a Danish biochemist who  discovered vitamin K in 1939.

1976 'The Taste of Southern Cooking' by Edna Lewis was published.

1976 Jimmy Buffet's 'Margaritaville' was released.

1976 The musical 'Bubbling Brown Sugar' opened on Broadway.

1976 'Spice Girls' singer Emma Bunton was born today.

1976 Crystalline sugar produced from sweet sorghum.

1976 The $2 bill is reintroduced by the U.S. Treasury.

1976 In Paris, two California wines won top honors at a blind wine tasting by the best of France's wine experts. The French were shocked, and the wine world was changed forever.

1976 Great-Britain & Iceland terminate their codfish war.

1976 'Play That Funky Music' by Wild Cherry hit #1 on the charts

1976 A record 87 pound dolphin was caught with rod and reel off the coast of Costa Rica.

1976 'Hotel California' was released by The Eagles. One of the best selling albums of all time. (An album is what we had before CDs).

1976 On the 'Barney Miller' TV show, Wojo's hippie girlfriend baked a batch of special brownies for the precinct.

1976 Water rationing went into effect in Marin County, north of San Francisco.

1976 The U.S. and Russia both extend their fishing rights to 200 miles offshore.

1976 Pierrier water was introduced in the U.S.

1976 To settle a sex discrimination lawsuit, New York's "21" Club hired its first waitress.

1976 The supersonic Concorde commercial aircraft built with funding from the French and British governments, began regular service today.

1977 Twix cookie bars are introduced.

1977 Larousse Gastronomique first U.S. edition is published, a 1063 page dictionary of cookery.

1977 PepsiCo acquires Pizza Hut fast food chain.

1977 Denny's Restaurant introduces the Grand Slam Breakfast.

1977 Toots Shor died January 23 (born May 6, 1903). American restaurateur, Toots Shor's Restaurant was a gathering place for New York celebrities during the 1940s and 1950's.

1977 Snow is reported in West Palm Beach, Florida for the first time.

1977 Canada bans Saccharin as potentially carcinogenic.

1977 The U.S. announced a timetable for the phase out of the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in aerosol products.  By December 15, 1978, companies must stop using chlorofluorocarbons as propellants in aerosol products.

1977 New Jersey legalizes casino gambling in Atlantic City.

1977 The Panama Canal treaties were signed in Washington DC, calling for the United States to turn over control of the canal to Panama on December 31, 1999.

1977 Guy Lombardo died. Famed band leader of the Royal Canadians, a musical fixture on New Year's Eve for decades. Known as 'Mr. New Years Eve'

1977 The U.S. requires warning labels on products containing Saccharin as potentially carcinogenic. After further research, the warning was removed December 21, 2000.

1977 Apple Computer, Inc. registered the 'Apple' trademark (for computers and computer programs).
1977 Apple Computer incorporates.

1977 The heaviest lobster known was caught off Nova Scotia, weighing in at 44 lb 6 oz (20.14 kg).

1977 Alice Cooper's pet boa constrictor died after its dinner of a rat bit it first.

1977 The Apple II computer went on sale priced at $1298

1977 The trans-Alaska oil pipeline opened. It takes oil 38 days to travel 800 miles from the fields in Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez.

1977 A power blackout hit New York. Power was out for about 25 hours.  There was widespread looting, unlike the calm of the 1965 blackout.

1977 On July 28 at 11:02 p.m. the first oil from Prudhoe Bay arrived at Valdez in the trans-Alaskan pipeline. It took 38 days to travel the 800 miles.

1977 Buffalo, New York declared this day 'Chicken Wing Day' in honor of the famous Buffalo Chicken Wings, created by Teressa Bellissimo in October, 1964 at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, for her son and some friends for a midnight snack.

1977 Fiona Apple, singer, songwriter was born.

1977 The Guinness Book of World Records notes that Peter Dowdeswell managed to consume 40 sandwiches in 17 minutes, 53.9 seconds at a California donut shop on October 17, 1977.  Each sandwich was 6 X 3 inches, spread with jam and butter.

1977 Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday) 2nd album 'Bat Out of Hell' was released.

1977 The largest albacore weighed 88 pounds and was caught off the Canary Islands.

1977 Ruth Graves Wakefield died. Inventor of the Toll House Cookie, the first chocolate chip cookie, at the Toll House Inn neart Whitman, Massachusetts in the 1930s.

1977 'Bubbling Brown Sugar' closed at the ANTA Playhouse in NYC after 766 performances.

1977 Frustrated by an unsuccessful attempt to obtain funding for a water project, Kinney, Minnesota 'secedes' from the United States and applies for foreign aid. In support, Duluth's frozen pizza king Gino Palucci donates 10 cases of frozen pizza.

1978 U.S. first class postage rates were raised to 15 cents and post cards to 10 cents.

1978 The movie 'Grease' opened in U.S. theatres.

1978 Molson Brewery acquired the Montreal Canadiens hockey team.

1978 'Grease' by Frankie Valli was number one on the music charts.

1978 Helen Corbitt died. American chef and cookbook author. Texas Monthly declared Corbitt to be the 'Tastemaker of the Century.'

1978 France ended price controls on bread.

1978 Charles Best died. Co-discoverer in 1921 (with Dr. F. Banting) of the hormone insulin, used to treat diabetes.

1978 President Jimmy Carter signed a bill legalizing home brewing.  The bill allowed brewing 100 gallons per adult, up to 200 gallons per household.  However states could still set there own limits.

1978 The U.S. Commerce Department announced that hurricane names would no longer be exclusively female. Both male and female names would now be used.

1978 Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield opened Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream and Crepes in a former Burlington, Vermont gas station. Their business will grow to compete with Haagen-Dazs.

1978 Sweden banned aerosol cans.

1978 The Humane Slaughter Act of 1978 dictates strict animal handling and slaughter practices which are closely monitored by government inspectors.

1978 Reese's Pieces peanut butter candy was introduced, an extension of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup line.

1978 'Cheeseburger In Paradise' by Jimmy Buffett peaks at #32 on the charts.

1978 Garfield, the lasagna eating cat was born. He was brought into this world by cartoonist Jim Davis.

1978 Frankie Valli's 'Grease' reached number 1 on the charts.

1978 'Boogie Oogie Oogie' by Taste Of Honey is #1 on the charts

1978 The largest squid ever caught was taken in Thimble Tickle Bay, Newfoundland. It was 55 feet long and weighed two tons.

1978 The 'Amoco Cadiz' oil tanker ran aground on Portsall Rocks, 3 miles off the Coast of Brittany, France. It split in two and spilled its entire cargo of 220,000 tons of crude oil. This was the largest oil spill by a grounded tanker to date.

1978 Sir Edward Salisbury died (born April 16, 1886). English botanist and ecologist. Director of Royal Botanical Gardens (1943-1956).  His books include 'The Living Garden' (1935), 'The Biology of Garden Weeds' (1962).

1978 Joseph Delteil died (born April 20, 1894).  French writer and poet.  Also wrote 'La Cuisine palolithique' (1964) featuring cuisine naturelle using unprocessed foods.

1979 Low altitude areas of the Sahara desert recorded their first snowfall in living memory.

1979 The European monetary system (EMS) officially came into effect to foster "closer monetary cooperation leading to a zone of monetary stability in Europe".

1979 The Swedish brand 'Absolut Vodka' was first exported to U.S.

1979 A state record low temperature of 12°F was recorded at the summit of the dormant volcano, Mauna Kea, in Hawaii.

1979 Josh Klinghoffer was born.  Guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

1979 Sardines return to California waters after an absence of about 40 years.

1979 The number of horses working on British farms falls to 3,575, down from 300,000 in 1950.

1979 Sardines return to California waters after an absence of about 40 years.

1979 The number of horses working on British farms falls to 3,575, down from 300,000 in 1950.

1979 The 12th and final episode of the BBC TV sitcom 'Fawlty Towers' was broadcast. The series takes place in the fictional hotel Fawlty Towers, in the fictional town of Torquay on the 'English Riviera.'

1979 Pillsbury acquires the Green Giant Company.

1979 McDonald's introduced the Happy Meal for kids.

1979 Paul Prudhomme opened K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen. Louisiana born chef and restaurateur, he owned his first restaurant at the age of 17. He has also written several best selling cookbooks.

1979 The first Zagat restaurant survey was published.

1979 Conrad Nicholson Hilton died. Founder of one of the most well known and largest hotel chains. It all began when he and his father turned their large New Mexico house into an inn for traveling salesmen.

1979 The movie 'Meatballs' starring Bill Murray premeired today.

1979 Singer and actress Brandy was born (Brandy Norwood).

1979 ‘Mr. Ed’, the talking horse, died. This was not the horse who actually starred on the TV show, but another horse who did publicity work as Mr. Ed.  The original Mr. Ed (Bamboo Harvester) died in 1970.

1979 'Reunited' by Peaches & Herb hit #1 on the charts

1979 General Mills introduced 'Honey Nut Cheerioes'.

1979 President Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit while on a canoe trip in Georgia. He beat it away with a paddle. (Man eating, swimming rabbits?)

1979 American actress Rachael Leigh Cook was born. She began working as a model at age 10, and her picture is still used on boxes of Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits.

1979 'Sugar Babies' opened on Broadway.

1979 The largest bluefin tuna weighed 1,496 pounds. It was caught in Nova Scotia.

1979 There are about 6,000 KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) restaurants, and they sell 2.7 billion pieces of chicken.

1979 Average commercial fertilizer use on U.S. farms during the 1970s was about 43.6 million tons per year.

1979 U.S. agricultural exports were about $19.8 billion a year during the 1970s (19% of total exports).

1980 The World Health Organization declared that smallpox had been eradicated worldwide.

1980 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Diamond v. Chakrabarty that living, genetically-engineered microorganisms are patentable.

1980 Early in the morning, the deadliest fire in Nevada’s history broke out in The Deli restaurant on the main floor of the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, taking the lives of 87 people and leaving some 650 others injured.

1980 The Selective Service system sent a warning to Mr. Mickey Mouse (the cartoon mouse) at Disneyland in California, informing him that he was in violation of registration compliance.  Disneyland sent in his registration proving he was 52 years old.

1980 The New England Culinary Institute was founded.

1980 Herman Tarnower died. American physician and author of the bestselling 'The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet' (1979). He was shot to death by Jean Harris.

1980 The play 'Lunch Hour' opened on Broadway.

1980 Bill and his wife T.J. Palmer opened the first Applebee's restaurant, T.J. Applebee’s Rx for Edibles & Elixirs, in Atlanta, Georgia on Nov 19.

1980 28,000 Canada geese spend a few nights on Silver Lake in Rochester, Minnesota.

1980 Joy Adamson died. Naturalist and author of 'Born Free' about Elsa, a lion cub. She had also researched culinary and medicinal uses of various plants in Kenya.

1980 "Escape (The Pina Colada Song)" by Rupert Holmes is #1 on the charts.

1980 Due to record high sugar prices, Coca Cola begins substituting high fructose corn syrup for half of the sucrose (sugar) used in Coca Cola.

1980 McDonald's test marketed Chicken McNuggets in Knoxville, Tennessee. They are so popular that they have to look for a second supplier.

1980 Cook's magazine begins publication. Christopher Kimball is the publisher.

1980 Lactase enzymes evaluated; provided basis for lactose-reduced dairy products.

1980 Victor Sen Yung died (born Oct 18, 1915). American character actor, he played the cook Hop Sing on the TV show 'Bonanza'.  He also played Charlie Chan's son, Jimmy Chan in numerous Charlie Chan movies.

1980 Earle McAusland, publisher/editor of Gourmet magazine died at age 89.

1980 The California Supreme Court rules that Ted Giannoulas can appear in public in his San Diego Chicken suit as long as it does not have the call letters of the radio station (KGB) that first used it as a promotional gambit.

1980 The oldest known goldfish in Great Britain, Frederica, died at the age of 40.

1980 European Community countries banned the use of hormones in cattle feed.

1980 Harland Sanders died at Shelbyville, Kentucky. Founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food restaurant chain.

1980 The population of the U.S. is now 226,545,805. Farmers are 3.4% of the labor force. There are about 2,439,500 farms, averaging about 426 acres.


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