FOOD HISTORY TIMELINE 1676 to 16991676 The Compagnie de Limonadiers was formed in Paris. The vendors sold lemonade from tanks they carried on their backs. The first soft drinks.
1676 Charles II of England revoked his previous proclamation suppressing Coffee Houses due to public response. (See Dec 23, 1675) 1679 Denis Papin, a French physicist invented the pressure cooker, which he called 'Papin's Digester.’ 1680 While in Jamaica, physician and naturalist Hans Sloane came up with the idea of mixing the bitter local chocolate beverage with milk to improve its taste. He later patented the idea. It soon became popular back in England and quickly spread throughout Europe.
1680 Jan Swammerdam died Feb 17 (born Feb 12, 1637). Dutch biologist and microscopist. His investigations into insect anatomy showed that insects did not generate spontaneously as had been previously believed, but were the product of eggs laid by females of the same species. Eggs, larva, pupa and adult are different forms of the same species. He also revealed that 'king bees' have ovaries and were actually 'queen bees.' 1682 Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle discovered the mouth of the Mississippi River and claimed the whole Mississippi Basin for France. He named it Louisiana, in honor of Louis XIV of France.
1682 William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, landed at what is now Chester, Pennsylvania. 1683 A patent for a system of extracting salt from sea water was granted in England.
1683 Robert Morison died. A Scottish botanist whose work, together with that of others, helped lead to the modern system of plant classification.
1683 Some sources claim that a patent for a system of extracting salt from sea water was granted in England. I am not sure if this is true. 1683 Bagels were created by a Vienna Baker.
1685 Charles II, king of England, died. The 'Merry Monarch,' Tea was introduced to England during his reign. On December 23, 1675, he issued a proclamation suppressing Coffee Houses. The public response was so negative that he revoked it on January 8, 1676.
1686 Gabriel Fahrenheit was born (died Sept 16, 1736). Fahrenheit was a German physicist who invented the Fahrenheit temperature scale thermometer. It was the first thermometer to use mercury instead of alcohol, which also extended the temperature range of thermometers. 1686 Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe leaves his island after 28 years and arrives back in England on June 11, 1687.
1686 Prince Louis II de Condé died. He was a French general who loved to hunt and had a passion for rice. Several dishes have been named for him, including Consomme Condé and Creme Condé. 1686 Isaak Walton died. He is mainly known for ‘The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation,’ which is one of the most frequently published books in English literature. It is a literary discourse on the pleasures of fishing.
1688 William Cheselden was born. An English surgeon and teacher, he was one of the first to describe the role of saliva in digestion.
1690 The first shipment of bananas arrived in the colonies at Salem, Massachusetts. 1692 In February, 3 women are arrested and accused as being witches in the village of Salem in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1693 Dom Perignon supposedly discovers the process for making champagne."Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!" 1693 Famine in northern Europe.
1694 Georg Brandt was born. A Swedish chemist, he discovered the element cobalt in 1730. Cobalt is used in steel making, and is an essential part of vitamin B12. 1695 William Oliver was born (died March 17, 1764). English physician credited with creating the 'Bath Oliver' - a very plain, round unsweetened biscuit or cracker, usually served with cheese.
1697 Francesco Redi died. He was the first to demonstrate that maggots were not spontaneously generated, but actually came from the eggs of flies. 1698 Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards.
1699 John Bartram was born. American naturalist and explorer, considered 'father of American botany'; established a world renowned botanical garden in Philadelphia in 1728.