FOOD HISTORY TIMELINE 1551 to 15991553 Prospero Alpini was born. An Italian physician and botanist, he is said to have introduced coffee and bananas to Europe and to have been the first to artificially fertilize date palms.
1553 Michel de Montaigne was born. French essayist. There are a few of his quotes about food and dining listed on the Food Reference website. ("A man should not so much respect what he eats, as with whom he eats.")
1554 Hieronymus Bock died. (See 1498) 1555 Nostradamus (1503-1566) published a cookbook (see 1503)
1558 Francisco Fernandes supposedly introduced smoking tobacco to Europe.
1560 Gaspard Bauhin was born. Swiss botanist who developed a binomial system of plant classification. He published 'Pinax Theatri Botanici', which was a compilation that included over 6,000 species that had appeared in works from Theophrastus, Dioscorides and many later herbals.
1561 Francis Bacon, Viscount Saint Albans, Baron of Verulam aka Sir Francis Bacon, was born. Lawyer, statesman, philosopher, etc., 1564 William Shakespeare was born. He died on the same date 52 years later. There are many references to food in Shakespeare's works.
1565 Pedro Menéndez de Avilés landed on the shore of what is now called Matanzas Bay and began the founding of the settlement that would be called St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest continually occupied city in the United States.
1566 Leonhard Fuchs died. German botanist (see 1501) 1566 Nostradamus died.(see 1503)
1568 William Turner died. English botanist. (see 1508)
1568 The Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral developed a method to bottle beer.
1580 The Christmas feasts of Sir William Petrie includes 17 oxen, 14 steers, 29 calves, 5 hogs, 13 bucks, 54 lambs, 129 sheep and one ton of cheese. 1582 Tour d'Argent restaurant opened in Paris, France.
1582 The new Gregorian calendar was adopted by most Catholic countries
1586 English colonists sailed from Roanoke Island, N.C., after failing to establish England's first permanent settlement in America.
1586 It is claimed that Sir Thomas Harriot introduced potatoes to England
1587 Virginia Dare was born on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, the first English child born in the New World. 1589 Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henry II of France died.She is sometimes called the 'mother of French haute cuisine' because the Italian chefs she brought with her from Florence had a strong influence on the development of French cuisine. One of the things they brought with them was ice cream.
1592 Michel de Montaigne died. French essayist. There are a few of his quotes about food and dining listed on the Food Reference website. ("A man should not so much respect what he eats, as with whom he eats.") 1593 Dutch windmill owner, Cornelis Corneliszoon van Uitgees, received a patent in Holland for a windmill with a crankshaft. It converted the windmill's circular motion into back-and-forth motion to power a saw.
1593 Isaak Walton was born. He is mainly known for ‘The Compleat Angler, or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation,’ which is one of the most frequently published books in English literature. It is a literary discourse on the pleasures of fishing.
1594 Gerardus Mercator died (born 1512). Flemish cartographer who created the 'Mercator' map projection, with parallel lines of latitude and longitude. This was convenient for navigation but land masses appeared increasingly enlarged at the top and bottom.