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DessertsPudding Recipes >  Christmas Pudding, Baked (1851)


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Baked Plum Pudding

Miss Leslie’s Directions for Cookery (1851), Eliza Leslie

A Baked Plum Pudding [Baked Christmas Pudding]

Grate all the crumb of a stale six cent loaf;  boil a quart of rich milk, and pour it boiling hot over the grated bread; cover it, and let it steep for an hour;  then set it out to cool.  In the mean time prepare half a pound of currants, picked, washed, and dried; half a pound of raisins, stoned and cut in half; and a quarter of a pound of citron cut in large slips; also, two nutmegs beaten to a powder;  and a table-spoonful of mace and cinnamon powdered and mixed together. 

Crush with a rolling-pin half a pound of sugar, and cut up half a pound of butter. When the bread and milk is uncovered to cool, mix with it the butter, sugar, spice and citron; adding a glass of brandy, and a glass of white wine.  Beat eight eggs very light, and when the milk is quite cold, stir them gradually into the mixture. Then add, by degrees. the raisins and currants, (which must be previously dredged with flour,) and stir the whole very hard.

Put it into a buttered dish, and bake it two hours.  Send it to table warm, and eat it with wine sauce, or with wine and sugar only.

In making this pudding, you may substitute for the butter, half a pound of beef suet minced as fine as possible. It will be found best to prepare the ingredients the day before, covering them closely and putting them away.


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