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"The Settlement Cookbook" (1903 edition)
"The Settlement" (The Milwaukee Settlement House)


12 large sour apples,
1 cup stoned raisins,
1 cup sugar,
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon,
8 cups flour.

1/4 teaspoon salt,
1 cup warm water,
1 egg,

1/2 cup butter, melted.
1/4 LB. almonds, chopped and blanched.

Into a large mixing bowl, place the salt and flour. Beat the egg lightly and add it to the warm water, and combine the two mixtures. Mix the dough quickly with a knife; then knead it, place on board, stretching it up and down to make it elastic, until it leaves the board clean. Now toss it on a well floured board, cover with a hot bowl and keep in a warm place. Lay the dough in the center of a well floured tablecloth on table; roll out a little, brush well with some of the melted butter, and with hands under dough, palms down, pull and stretch the dough gently, until it is as large as the table and thin as paper. Spread the apples, cut fine, raisins, almonds if desired, sugar and cinnamon evenly over three-fourths of the dough, and drop over them a few tablespoons of melted butter. Trim edges. Roll the dough over apples on one side, and with the aid of cloth, finish rolling and trim edges again. Then twist the roll to fit the greased pan. Bake in a hot oven until brown and crisp and brush with melted butter. If juicy small fruits or berries are used sprinkle bread crumbs over the stretched dough, to absorb the juices.


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