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Today in Food HistoryOCTOBER >  October 4



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Today in Food History

• Vodka Day (Vodka Facts, Origins and Recipes)

• [World Animal Day] (Annually, Oct 4)

• Sweden: [Cinnamon Bun Day] (Kanelbullens dag)

• St. Francis of Assisi Day, patron of animals.

UK: [British Food Fortnight] (Sept 20-Oct 6, 2024)

• UK: National Vegetarian Week (Oct 1-7, 2024)
  [The Vegetarian Society]  (Vegetarian Trivia)
  (Vegetarian Quotes  ---  Vegetarian Recipes)

• UK: Seed Gathering Season (Sept 22-Oct 22, 2024
[The Tree Council]  Gather seeds, fruits and nuts which can be nurtured to grow the trees of the future.

On this day in:

1582 Gregorian Calendar Adjustment (it corrected an accumulated 11 day discrepancy). The day following Thursday, October 4, 1582 was Friday, October 15, 1582. It was effective in most Catholic countries. The old Julian calendar continued in use in Britain and its colonies until 1752, in Japan until 1873, in China until 1912, in Russia until 1918, in Greece until 1923, & in Turkey until 1925.

1851 A freak storm sinks 100 American fishing vessels off the coast of Prince Edward Island, Canada, killing more than 130 fishermen.

1879 Edward Murray East was born (died Nov 9, 1938). An American botanist and chemist he helped with the development of hybrid corn. Specifically, he concentrated on controlling the protein and fat content of possible hybrids.  (Corn Trivia, Facts & Statistics)

1932 Mead Johnson & Co. registered "Pablum" trademark a vitamin and mineral fortified instant cereal for babies.

1946 Gifford Pinchot died (Born Aug 11, 1865).  He became the first chief of the new Forest Service when management of forest reserves was transferred to the Dept. of Agriculture from the Dept. of the Interior in 1905.  Regarded as a father of American conservation due to his concern for the protection of the American forests.

1957 'Leave It To Beaver' premiers on the CBS TV network.

1957 The Space Age begins. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit - the first artificial satellite, it orbited the Earth about every 96 minutes. It burned up as it fell from orbit on January 4, 1958.

1960 'A Taste of Honey' opened at the Lyceum Theatre in New York City.

1979 American actress Rachael Leigh Cook was born. She began working as a model at age 10, and her picture is still used on boxes of Milk-Bone Dog Biscuits.

1995 Edward H. Lowe died (born July 10, 1920). He invented Kitty Litter (made from an absorbent clay called Fuller's Earth).

2002 The animated 'Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie' opened in U.S. theatres.

2004 American scientists Richard Axel and Linda Buck were awarded this year's Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. They received the award for their work on our sense of smell. Axel and Buck discovered genes that are responsible for our ability to recognize thousands of complex odors, and remember them throughout life.
(Odors & Smells Trivia)

2006 New York Times journalist and food writer R.W. Apple died at the age of 71.

2020 The California Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection reports that wildfires have burned almost 4 million acres so far this year and killed 31 people.


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