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Today in Food HistoryOCTOBER >  October 5



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OCTOBER 5 - Today in Food History

• National Apple Betty Day (Apple Brown Betty Recipe)
  (Betty Trivia & Facts)

UK: Fungus Day (Oct 5, 2024)
  [British Mycological Society]   (Fungus Trivia)

UK: [British Food Fortnight] (Sept 20-Oct 6, 2024)

• UK: National Vegetarian Week (Oct 1-7, 2024)
  [The Vegetarian Society]  (Vegetarian Trivia)
  (Vegetarian Quotes  ---  Vegetarian Recipes)

• UK: Seed Gathering Season (Sept 22-Oct 22, 2024
[The Tree Council]  Gather seeds, fruits and nuts which can be nurtured to grow the trees of the future.

On this day in:

1582 If you lived in Italy and many other Catholic countries, this day and the next 10 days did not exist due to the Gregorian Calendar Adjustment (it corrected an accumulated 11 day discrepancy).  The day following Thursday, October 4, 1582 was Friday, October 15, 1582.  It was effective in most Catholic countries.  The old Julian calendar continued in use in Britain and its colonies until 1752, in Japan until 1873, in China until 1912, in Russia until 1918, in Greece until 1923, and in Turkey until 1925.

1902 Ray Kroc is born in Oak Park, Illinois (died Jan 14, 1984). Ray Kroc sold blenders for milkshakes, and one of his customers was a restaurant in San Bernardino, California owned by Maurice and Richard McDonald.  Kroc set up a chain of drive-in restaurants based on their efficient assembly line production kitchen.  He opened his first restaurant on April 15, 1955 in Des Plaines, Illinois.  By 1961 he had 228 restaurants and he bought out the McDonald brothers.  When he died in 1984 there were over 7,500 McDonald's restaurants.
(McDonald’s Facts & Trivia  ---  Hamburger Quotes)

1947 President Harry Truman became the first U.S. president to address the nation on television. He called on farmers and distillers to cut grain consumption to help Europeans who were still recovering from WW II and suffering from famine. Truman asked the public to not eat meat on Tuesdays and forego eggs and poultry on Thursdays.

1948 Brian Connolly of the music group 'Sweet' was born

1961 The film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's premieres in New York City.

1983 Earl Silas Tupper died (born July 28, 1907).  The inventor of Tupperware.  (Tupperware makes the containers used to conduct mold and bacterial experiments in the back of refrigerator shelves).

2007 One week after recalling almost 22 million pounds of ground beef products, Topps Meat Company announced it was going out of business.  Topps had to recall the meat after samples tested positive for E. coli bacteria, and at least 30 people had become ill since July.  Topps was one of the country's largest manufacturers of frozen hamburgers.

2011 Friendly Ice Cream restaurant chain filed for bankruptcy.

2012 The film 'Butter' about a young girl with a talent for butter carving, opened in the U.S. and Canada.
(Butter Trivia & Facts  ---  Butter Quotes)



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