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Today in Food HistoryJUNE >  June 11



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JUNE 11 - Today in Food History

• National German Chocolate Cake Day
(German chocolate, and German chocolate cake -- actually that is incorrect, it is German's Chocolate and German's Chocolate cake, the man who developed this chocolate was Samuel German -- it has nothing to do with Germany).

• Corn on the Cob Day (Corn Trivia  ---  Corn Recipes)
  (Corn Quotes)

• Royal Hot Dog Day (see 1939 below)

• Feast day of St. Barnabas, patron saint of farmers.

[Men’s Health Week] (June 10-16, 2024)  (week leading up to and including Father’s Day)

Dairy Goat Awareness Week (June 8-15, 2024)
  [American Dairy Goat Assn]   (Goat Trivia & Facts)


On this day in:

1742 Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin Stove. He purposely did not patent it, so that others could freely copy the design. (Stove Trivia & Facts)

1793 The first American patent for a cast iron stove is issued to Robert Haeterick of Pennsylvania.

1842 Carl Paul Gottfried Linde was born (died Nov 16, 1934).  A German engineer who invented mechanical refrigeration. He developed it so beer could be brewed year round. (Brewing requires low temperatures.)
(Refrigerator Trivia & Tips))

1860 Mary Jane Rathbun was born. A marine zoologist and crustacean expert.

1889 John E. Purdy and Daniel A. Sadgwar of Washington D.C. received U.S. patent No. 405,117 for a folding chair.

1901 New Zealand annexed the Cook Islands.
(New Zealand Food Trivia)

1910 Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born. Ocean explorer, marine biologist. Co-inventor of the aqualung.

1912 Hotel Firsts: 24 year-old Silas Christofferson flew a 'Curtis pusher' airplane (the propeller was in the rear) from the roof of the 12 story Multnomah Hotel in Portland, Oregon. The first person to fly a plane off the roof of a hotel.

1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt served hot dogs to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of England during their 1939 visit to the United States. It was the first time they had tried this American gourmet treat.
(Hot Dog Trivia and Facts  ---  Hot Dog Quotes)

1941 Canada's official population is 11,506,655.

1947 Sugar rationing ends in the U.S.

1996 A record Pacific halibut weighed 459 pounds and was caught in Dutch Harbor, Alaska.
(Halibut Trivia  ---  Halibut Recipes)

1998 In the African country of Sudan more than a million people face starvation, prompting the United Nations to declare an official famine in the region.

2009 The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the swine flu outbreak a pandemic.

2019 The Four Seasons restaurant (originally opened in 1959) closed its doors permanently after lunch service today. The end of an era. (see also July 16, 2016).

2020 Coronavirus: Starbucks will close up to 400 locations while also expanding pick-up and drive-thru at other locations.


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