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Today in Food HistoryFEBRUARY >  February 10



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FEBRUARY 10 - Today in Food History

• National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
  (Brownie Recipes  ---  Brownie Trivia)

• Scotland: Oatmeal Monday: (Feb 10, 2025 - 2nd Mon in February: Scottish Universities)

Jell-O Week (Feb 10-16, 2025 2nd full week in Feb) in 2001 Jell-O was declared Official State Snack of Utah and Utah Governor Michael O. Leavitt declared an annual "Jell-O Week." (Jello Trivia  ---  Jello Quotes)

Kraut and Frankfurter Week ? (Feb 9-15, 2025)

On this day in:

1766 Benjamin Smith Barton was born (died Dec 19, 1815).  American physician and naturalist, he wrote the first American botanical textbook, 'Elements of Botany' (1803).

1775 English author and poet Charles Lamb was born.

1835 Victor Hensen was born. An oceanographer, he coined the name 'plankton' for the tiny organisms found water. Practically all animal life in the sea is ultimately dependent on plankton.

1846 Ira Remsen was born (died March 4, 1927).  American chemist, codiscoverer in 1879 (with Constantine Fahlberg) of saccharin, the artificial sweetener. (Saccharin Trivia & Facts)

1874 Lewis Latimer and Charles W. Brown of Massachusetts were issued U.S. patent No. 147,363 for a special toilet system for trains: "Improvements in Water-Closets for Railway Passenger-Cars".  (Toilet Trivia)

1933 The Postal Telegraph Co. of New York City delivers the first singing telegram.

1944 Author Frances Moore Lappe was born. She is the author of the best selling 'Diet for a Small Planet' (1971) which indirectly encouraged a vegetarian diet, by demonstrating that raising animals for food was an extremely wasteful use of resources. Also: 'World Hunger: 12 Myths', 'Food First', 'Taking Population Seriously'. etc.

1945 The Andrews Sisters recording of 'Rum and Coca Cola' hit #1 on the popular music charts.

1956 'My Friend Flicka' premiers on CBS TV. The series about a boy and his horse is set on the Goose Bar Ranch in Montana.

1957 The ‘Styrofoam’ cooler was invented.

1961 The Niagara Falls hydroelectric project, was officially placed in service to provide electricity. It was the largest hydroelectric facility in the Western world at the time.

1990 Perrier recalls its entire inventory of Perrier mineral water (160 million bottles) in the United States after tests show the presence of benzene, a carcinogen, in a small sample of bottles.

1997 Jerome Namias died (born March 19, 1910).  An American meteorologist and first head of the Extended Forecast Division of the U.S. Weather Bureau. He pioneered 5 day, 30 day and 90 day extended forecasts and long range seasonal forecasts.

2009 Authorities confirmed Africanized honey bees, sometimes called “killer bees,” have been detected in Utah for the first time. (Bee Trivia & Facts)



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