FEBRUARY 11 - Today in Food History• National Peppermint Patty Day • Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day (Milk Trivia & Facts) (Milk Quotes) • National Latte Day (expresso and steamed milk) • Canada: [Agriculture Day] • Jell-O Week (Feb 10-16, 2025 2nd full week in Feb) in 2001 Jell-O was declared Official State Snack of Utah and Utah Governor Michael O. Leavitt declared an annual "Jell-O Week." (Jello Trivia --- Jello Quotes) • Kraut and Frankfurter Week ? (Feb 9-15, 2025) On this day in:1752 The first hospital in America opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1785 The Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture was founded. It is the oldest active agricultural organization in the U.S. (Pennsylvania Food Trivia) 1802 Lydia Maria Francis Child was born. An American abolitionist and author of novels and children’s books. She also wrote books of advice for women including 'The Frugal Housewife' (1829). 1811 Robert Fulton was issued the first patent for a steamboat.
1847 Thomas Alva Edison was born. Chefs use his inventions everyday, including light and music to work by. 1866 Fritz Hofmann was born (died Oct 29, 1956). German chemist who first synthesized rubber (German patent No. 250,690, Sept 12, 1909). 1922 Frederick Grant Banting announces the discovery of insulin, used to treat diabetes, at the University of Toronto, with colleagues C.H. Best, J.B. Collip, and J.J.R. Macleod. 1926 Paul Bocuse was born at Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or, France (died Jan 20, 2018). Legendary French Chef, known as one of the founders of 'nouvelle cuisine'. Named Chef of the Century by the Culinary Institute of America. His restaurant has held 3 Michelin stars for more than 50 years. [Website: https://bocuse.fr/en/] 1943 World War II Gasoline rationing begins in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (10 gallons per month).
1963 Julia Child's 'The French Chef' premiered on TV. 1968 In New York the new Madison Square Garden sports and entertainment arena officially opened. (see also Dec 15, 1925). 1975 The movie 'Shampoo' premiered in New York.
1977 A new record lobster was caught off Nova Scotia, weighing in at 44 lb 6 oz (20.14 kg). (Lobster Trivia --- Lobster Quotes) 1979 Singer and actress Brandy was born (Brandy Norwood).
1982 The [Florida Strawberry Growers Association] (FSGA) was founded. 1994 Use of the genetically engineered growth hormone for cows, rBGH begins. Controversy abounds. 1999 Tahtsa Lake in British Columbia receives a Canadian record breaking snowfall of 57 inches in 24 hours. 2009 India's largest Hindu nationalist group announced they are developing a soft drink called 'Gau Jal' made from cow urine and flavored with herbs. After testing it should be ready for sale within a few months. In India cow urine is believed by many to have healing properties.