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Today in Food HistoryNOVEMBER >  November 3



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NOVEMBER 3 Today in Food History

Alarm ClociDid you remember to turn your clocks back?  U.S., Canada & Mexico Daylight Saving Time ends (March 10 - November 3, 2024)
(Time Trivia & Facts)

• Sandwich Day (see 1718 below)  (Sandwich Trivia)
  (Sandwich Recipes  ---  Sandwich Quotes)

• St. Hubert's Day, patron of hunters.
• St. Pirmin, patron of against snakebits and poisoning.
• St. Martin de Porres, patron of innkeepers, barbers, and against rats.

• National Fig Week (Nov 1-7) Fig Trivia & Facts

UK: [British Sausage Week] (Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2024).
  (Tips for Making Sausage at Home)


On this day in:

1633 Bernardino Ramazzini was born. An Italian physician, he was the first to note the relationship between worker’s illnesses and their work environment. Considered the founder of occupational medicine.

1718 John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich was born. (Some sources list November 13). Captain Cook named the Sandwich Islands after him (now known as Hawaii). The Earl is supposed to have invented the sandwich as a quick meal so as not to interrupt his gambling sessions.

1832 Sir John Leslie died. A Scottish physicist and mathematician, he was the first to create ice artificially (freeze water artificially). He used an air pump apparatus.

1841 Johannes Eugenius Bulow Warming was born. A Danish botanist, he was one of the founders of the science of plant ecology.

1863 J.T. Alden of Cincinnati, Ohio received U.S. patent No. 40,451 for an improved method of manufacturing dried yeast.  (Yeast Trivia)

1895 The town of Walcott, Minnesota is destroyed by a fire that begins in a flour mill.

1896 John W. Hunter of Tabor, Iowa received patent for a 'Portable Weighing-Scale'

1927 Harrison McCain was born (died March 18, 2004). Co-founder (with 3 brothers) of McCain Foods in 1957 in New Brunswick, Canada.  The company produces 1/3 of the world's french fries. (French Fry Trivia & Facts)

1952 Frozen peas are added to the list of frozen vegetables produced by Birdseye. (Birdseye Trivia)

1956 Caesar Cardini died (born Feb 24, 1896 in Italy). Chef and restaurateur in the U.S. and Mexico, he is credited with creating the Caesar Salad at his restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico in the 1920s. (Caesar Salad History)

1966 Ingredients are required to be listed on food packages. The first truth in packaging law.

1990 'Ice Ice Baby' by Vanilla Ice was the number one single on the U.S. music charts.


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