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Today in Food HistoryFEBRUARY >  February 1



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FEBRUARY 1 - Today in Food History

• Baked Alaska Day (Baked Alaska History and Recipes)

• [Ice Cream for Breakfast Day] (Feb 1, 2025 -1st Sat)
  (Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day is Feb 18)

• National Dark Chocolate Day

• Feast of St. Brigid of Ireland, patron of cattle, chicken farmers, dairymaids.

• [African Heritage & Health Week] February 1-7
(commemorates the foods, flavors and healthy cooking techniques that were core to the wellbeing of African ancestors from Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and the American South.)

On this day in:

1787Botanical Magazine’ was first published in London, edited by William Curtis.

1788 The state of Georgia issued Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet a patent for a steam engine.

1894 The first volume of the Oxford English Dictionary was published.

1913 Grand Central Terminal in New York City opens. It is the largest railroad station in the world, with 44 platforms and 67 tracks on 2 levels.
(Railroads & Railroad Food Trivia)

1919 The first Miss America, Edith Hyde Robbins, was crowned at the Hotel des Artistes in New York City. (This was before the Atlantic City Miss America Contest began in 1921)

1920 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police was established by the merger of the Royal North-West Mounted Police (RNWMP) and the Dominion Police.

1939 State Rep. Cleveland Sleeper Jr. introduces a bill to the Maine Legislature to make it illegal to use tomatoes in clam chowder (the bill failed to pass).
(see also: Chowder Trivia & History  -  Chowder Recipes)
(Chowder Quotes)

1953 James Lewis Kraft died. Founder of Kraft Co. a wholesale cheese distributor and producer. In 1916 he patented pasteurized process cheese, a low cost cheese that would not spoil. Not a great hit with the public, but the U.S. army purchased over 6 million tins of it during WW I. During the depression, it became popular because of its low cost. (Kraft Trivia & Facts)

1960 Four 'colored' students from the Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, North Carolina sat down at the lunch counter in Woolworth's and ordered coffee. They were refused service, but made history.

1982 Wolfgang Puck and his wife & partner, Barbara Lazaroff, opened their restaurant 'Spago' in Los Angeles

1982 A cow in Cuba, named Ubre Blanca, set a world record when it produced 28 gallons of milk in one day, which is about 4 times an average cow's daily output. Ubre Blanca later set the record for total output during a 305 day lactation period of 6,405 gallons.
(Cow Trivia and Facts  ---  Cow Quotes)

2008 New Zealand Crop & Food Research scientists announced they have created a tear-free onion.
(Onions and Tears: Facts & Tips)



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