AUGUST 7 Today in Food History• National Raspberries & Cream Day (Raspberry Fool) (Raspberry Trivia) • [National Farmers Market Week] (Aug 4-10, 2024 1st full week in August) • [World Breastfeeding Week] (Aug 1-7) On this day in:1782 Andreas Sigismund Marggraf died. A German chemist who discovered beet sugar, which led to the development of the modern sugar industry. (Beets & Beetroot Trivia) 1794 The Whiskey Rebellion. Protesting the 1791 federal tax on distilled spirits a large gathering of rebels in western Pennsylvania burned the regional tax inspectors home. President Washington ordered 13,000 troops to the area, but opposition disappeared. 1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania received U.S. patent No. 387,571 for the revolving door. 1903 Louis Leakey was born. Anthropologist largely responsible for convincing scientists that Africa was the place to search for human origins, not Java or China. Together with his wife Mary, they made many significant fossil discoveries. 1925 M.S. Swaminathan was born. Swaminathan is an Indian geneticist and a leading figure in India's Green Revolution, which distributed high yield wheat and rice varieties to poor farmers. 1932 Jenny Craig was born. Founder, with her husband Sidney Craig, of the Jenny Craig chain of weight loss centers. 1961 President John F. Kennedy signed a bill authorizing the establishment of Cape Cod National Seashore. 1991 The world's largest Burger King opened in Budapest. (Burger King Trivia & Facts) 2009 The movie 'Julie & Julia' opened in U.S. theatres. The story of Julia Child's start in the cooking profession, intertwined with blogger Julie Powell's 2002 challenge to cook all the recipes in Child's first book. 2013 The accountant in charge of keeping tabs of lunch money for the Rialto Unified School District in California was arrested on suspicion of embezzling from the school district's nutrition services department. Up to $3.1 million dollars was reported missing over a period of up to 14 years.