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Today in Food HistoryAPRIL >  April 28



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APRIL 28 - Today in Food History

• National Blueberry Pie Day - Blueberry Pie Recipe
  (Blueberry Trivia & Facts  --  Blueberry History)

• Stewardship Week - April 28-May 5, 2024 (last Sun in April to 1st Sun in May) [Nat’l Assoc. of Conservation Districts] To encourage conserving natural resources for our future.

On this day in:

1753 Franz Karl Achard was born. (died April 20, 1821).  A German chemist, he developed the first commercial process to produce sugar from sugar beets in 1796, and in 1802 established the first sugar beet refinery.
(Beets & Beetroot Trivia & Facts)

1789 The most famous mutiny in history took place on the English ship, 'Bounty', against Captain William Bligh. The ship was returning from Tahiti to bring back breadfruit trees. (Breadfruit Trivia and Facts)

1796 'American Cookery' by Amelia Simmons is published in Hartford. It is the first cookbook written by an American. This is one of the classic cookbooks that can be found on the Food Reference Website.
(‘American Cookery’ Recipes)

1899 The comedy short 'Stealing a Dinner' was filmed by cameraman G.W. 'Billy' Bitzer for the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. (Mutoscope were 'peephole' motion pictures on cards mounted on a rotating drum turned by hand.)

1940 Italian operatic soprano, Luisa Tetrazzini, died. Chicken Tetrazzini, created by an American chef (San Francisco?), was named in her honor.
(Chicken Tetrazzini Origin  --  Tetrazzini Recipe)

1944 Alice Waters was born. American chef, restaurateur and cookbook author. Executive chef and owner of Chez Panisse Restaurant, opened in 1971 in Berkeley, California. Famous for its use of locally grown organic ingredients and a pioneer of California cuisine.[Website:]

1953 Howard C. Rossin was issued a patent for an overcoat built for two (or Siamese Twins).

1992 The USDA unveiled its new Food Pyramid diet guideline chart.

2005 Loaded Burrito Scare: Clovis, New Mexico police were called to a middle school when someone saw what appeared to be a weapon being carried in by a student. Police did not find any weapon, but finally an 8th grader realized that what someone had seen was his extra credit commercial advertising project - a 30 inch long steak burrito wrapped in tin foil and a T-Shirt.


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