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Serves 4
Provides 3 vegetable servings per person
When spaghetti squash is cooked, the inside takes on a thread-like texture-similar to spaghetti!



    1 spaghetti squash (3 cups)
    2 cups prepared low-sodium spaghetti sauce
    1 cup sliced mushrooms
    2 tablespoons chopped parsley
    2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese


1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Wash the outside of the squash and pierce it a few times with a fork. Set on a baking sheet and bake 1 hour or until very tender when tested with a fork. Cool.

2. Cut the cooked squash in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Take the spaghetti-like threads out with a fork and place in a baking dish. Toss with the low-sodium spaghetti sauce and mushrooms. Cover lightly with aluminum foil. Return to the oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until well heated through.

3. Scatter with parsley and Parmesan cheese and serve with a piece of bread and a salad for a hearty meal. It also makes a very tasty side dish with fish or chicken.

Nutritional Analysis Per Serving:

    125 calories
    4 g fat
    26% calories from fat
    1 g saturated fat
    7% calories from saturated fat
    21 g carbohydrates
    358 mg sodium
    4 g dietary fiber



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