SEPTEMBER 5 Today in Food History• National Cheese Pizza Day (Pizza Trivia & History -- Pizza Recipes) • National Waffle Week (Sept 1-7, 2024) (Waffle Recipes) • UK: [Zero Waste Week] (Sept 2-6, 2024) On this day in:1643 Louis XIV, King of France (the 'Sun King') was born. A gourmet, gourmand and many say a glutton. During his reign food began to be served in courses, rather than placed on the table all at once, and forks came into widespread use. (Fork Trivia & Facts) 1698 Tsar Peter I of Russia imposes a tax on beards. (Beards & Beer Trivia) 1850 Jasper Newton 'Jack' Daniel was born (died Oct 10, 1911). Founder of Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey distillery.) 1882 The first Labor Day holiday was organized in New York City by the Central Labor Union with a parade followed by a massive picnic at Wendel's Elm Park at 92nd St and 9th Ave (the largest park in the city at the time) with numerous speakers. More then 10,000 workers marched in the parade. 1885 The first gasoline pump was manufactured in Fort Wayne, Indiana by Sylvanus Bowser. 1933 'Cutty Sark' trademark was registered (for whiskey and other distilled liquors). 1938 Achille Gaggia applied for a patent on the first modern espresso maker. The machine forced boiling water through the coffee grounds at high pressure. (History of Coffee) 1946 Dean Ford of the music group 'Marmalade' was born. 1949 Clem Clempson of the music group 'Humble Pie' was born. 1949 Dennis Robert Hoagland died (born April 2, 1884). American plant physiologist. He perfected the water-culture technique for growing plants without soil (broadly known as hydroponics). 2001 Justin Wilson, Cajun chef and humorist died. He wrote five cookbooks, hosted several cooking shows on TV, including 'Louisiana Cookin' and 'Cookin' Cajun.' 2007 The film 'I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With' opened in U.S. theatres. 2020 Burbank, California tied its record high temperature of 114 degrees.