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Today in Food HistorySEPTEMBER >  September 23



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Today in Food History

• Great American Pot Pie Day (since 2002 - Marie Callender's brand)

• St. Clare of Assisi, patron of good weather, laundry workers and eyes.

Maine Lobster Week (Sept 22-29, 2024)
  [Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative]
  (Lobster Trivia  ---  Lobster Recipes)

UK: [British Food Fortnight] (Sept 20-Oct 6, 2024)

• UK: Seed Gathering Season (Sept 22-Oct 22, 2024)
[The Tree Council]  Gather seeds, fruits and nuts which can be nurtured to grow the trees of the future.

On this day in:

1848 The first commercial chewing gum is introduced, State of Maine Spruce Gum. (Chewing Gum Trivia)

1869 Mary Mallon was born. 'Typhoid Mary' was an infamous household cook who was responsible for major outbreaks of typhoid in the New York City area in 1904, 1907, and 1914. She was immune to typhoid herself, but was a carrier of the bacillus, and spread it wherever she worked as a household cook (see also March 27, 1915).

1880 Sir John Boyd Orr was born. A Scottish scientist and nutrition expert, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to eliminate world hunger.

1923 Nancy Green died. Nancy Green was hired to represent and demonstrate Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix. At the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the exhibit was so popular that police had to control the crowds at the Aunt Jemima booth. Fair officials awarded her a medal and proclaimed her Pancake Queen. She played the part of Aunt Jemima until her death in a car accident.
(More about Nancy Green)

1947 Jerry Corbetta of the music group 'Sugarloaf' was born.

1964 Robert Irvine was born. British celebrity chef. Food Network shows include ‘Dinner: Impossible’; ‘Worst Cooks in America’; ‘Restaurant: Impossible’.
(Official website:

1969 'Sugar, Sugar' by the Archies is #1 on the charts.

2008 Battery by Fart: A man in West Virginia was charged with battery on a police officer when he passed gas and allegedly 'fanned' it toward the police officer. He had been taken to the police station for a Breathalyzer test when the alleged 'fart and fan' caper occurred. The prosecutor's office later requested that the criminal complaint be dropped. (Flatulence Trivia)

2020 After heavy criticism for promoting racial stereotypes, Mars Inc. 'Uncle Ben's' rice is getting a new name, 'Ben's Original' and the logo of an elderly African American man will be dropped from the packaging. (see also June 17, 2020).



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