FEBRUARY 16 - Today in Food History• National Almond Day (Almond Trivia & Facts) • National CSA Week (Feb 16-22, 2025) Formerly CSA Day [CSA Innovation Network] Community Supported Agriculture. • National FFA Week: Feb 15-22, 2025 [Future Farmers of America] Week of Washington's Birthday, from Saturday to Saturday encompassing February 22 • Jell-O Week (Feb 10-16, 2025 2nd full week in Feb) in 2001 Jell-O was declared Official State Snack of Utah and Utah Governor Michael O. Leavitt declared an annual "Jell-O Week." (Jello Trivia --- Jello Quotes) • UK: [Real Bread Week] (Feb 15-23, 2025) A celebration of additive-free loaves and the people who make them. On this day in:1852 In South Bend, Indiana, Henry and Clement Studebaker founded H. & C. Studebaker, blacksmith and wagon building. (See also Jan 3, 1921) 1864 Jacob Behel of Earleville, Illinois received a patent for an 'Improvement in Grain-Binders' 1866 The New York City Metropolitan Board of Health was created. (New York Food Trivia & Facts) 1897 Black American inventor Peter Walker was issued a U.S. patent # 577,153 for a 'Machine for Cleaning Seed-Cotton' 1909 Richard McDonald was born. He was one of the brothers who founded McDonald's fast food restaurants. Richard also designed the golden arches logo. He died in 1998. (McDonald’s Trivia & Facts) 1932 James E. Markham of Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards in Mississippi, received the first patent for a fruit tree. It was for a peach tree whose fruit ripened later than other varieties. (Peach Trivia & Facts) 1937 Dr. Wallace Hume Carothers received U.S. patent # 2,071,250 for Nylon (patent filed July 3, 1931). The patent was assigned to the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. One of its first uses was to replace the hog bristles that had been used in toothbrushes. 1938 The U.S. Federal Crop Insurance program was authorized.
1959 Rap singer 'Ice T' was born (Tracy Morrow). 1968 Haleyville, Alabama became the first U.S. telephone system to use 911 as the universal number for emergency services. 2009 Burgers & Beer on the Road: A truck carrying 40,000 pounds of frozen hamburger patties hit the center median, and dumped thousands of pounds of burgers onto Interstate 15 near Salt Lake City. A few hours later on Interstate 84, also in Utah, a truck carrying 40,000 pounds of Fat Tire Beer hit the center median and spilled its load on the highway. Neither driver was injured. 2011 The bookstore chain 'Borders' filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.