APRIL 8 - Today in Food History• National Empanada Day (Basically a Spanish turnover) (Empanada Trivia) • St. Walter of Pontnoise's Day, patron of vintners • National Library Week (April 7-13, 2024) [American Library Association] On this day in:1513 Ponce de Leon landed in Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth. He thought it was just another island of the Bahamas. (Sources vary on date from April 2 to April 8 but Florida celebrates on April 2) (Florida Food Trivia & Facts) 1783 John Claudius Loudon was born (died Dec 14, 1843). A Scottish botanist, garden designer and author. In 1826 he founded the 'Gardener's Magazine', the first magazine devoted solely to horticulture. 1861 Elisha Graves Otis died (born August 3, 1811). Otis invented the first safe elevator and opened the door to rooftop restaurants. 1862 John D. Lynde of Philadelphia patented the first aerosol dispenser. 1873 Alfred Paraf received U.S. patent No. 137,564 for the first commercially viable margarine manufacturing process. (Margarine Trivia & Facts) 1879 The Echo Farms Dairy of New York began selling milk in glass bottles, the first in the U.S. 1879 Asa Fitch died (born Feb 24, 1809). American entomologist who studied the relationship of insects to crops and whether they were beneficial or damaging. Knicknamed the 'Bug Catcher of Salem.' (Insect Trivia and Facts) 1898 In New York state, the first U.S. college of forestry was created at Cornell University. 1911 Melvin Ellis Calvin was born (died Jan 8, 1997), An American biochemist he was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for furthering our knowledge of the mechanism of photosynthesis in green plants. 1946 'Catfish' Hunter, baseball pitcher, was born. 1996 Benjamin Eisenstadt died (born Dec 27, 1906). He invented the artificial sweetener, 'Sweet 'n Low (granulated saccharin and dextrose). (Saccharin Trivia and Facts)