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Boston Fish Pier Sea Food Cookbook (1913)

Great cleanliness, as well as care and attention, is required from a cook. Keep your hands very clean; try to prevent your nails from getting black or discolored; don't "scatter" in your kitchen; clean up as you go; put cold water into each saucepan or stewpan as you finish using it. Dry your sauce- pans before you put them on the shelf. Scour tins with good mineral soap and rinse thoroughly in hot water. In cleaning a frying-pan, scour the outside as well as the inside. In cleaning greasy utensils, such as the soup-pot and frying-pan, wipe off the worst of the grease with soft paper (which can be burned), then soak in warm water to which soap-powder or a little ammonia has been added, finishing with mineral soap. Wash your pudding-cloths, scald and hang them to dry directly after using them; air them before you put them away, or they will be musty; keep in dry place. Be careful not to use a knife that has cut onions till it has been cleaned. Keep sink and sink-brush very clean; be careful never to throw anything but water down sink. Do not throw cabbage water down it; throw it away out of doors; its smell is very bad. Never have sticky plates or dishes; use very hot water for washing them; when greasy, change it. Take care that you look at the meat the butcher brings, to see that it is good. Let there be no waste in the kitchen.


    Without cleanliness and punctuality good cooking is impossible.

    Leave nothing dirty—clean and clear as you go.

    A time for everything and everything in time.

    A good cook wastes nothing.

    An hour lost in the morning has to be run after all day.

    Strong fire for roasting. Clear fire for broiling.

    Wash vegetables in three waters.

    Boil fish quickly; meat slowly.

    Throw flour on kerosene flames.

    Slamming door of oven makes cake fall.

    A few drops of lemon juice makes cake frosting very white.

    Try sprinkling powdered cloves about places infected with red ants.

    Salt in the oven under baking tins will prevent scorching on the bottom.

    Salt and vinegar will remove stains from discolored teacups.


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