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1) [a] the white potato, and [b] the tomato. They were both introduced to Europe by the Spanish and were unknown as food crops by American colonists until the 18th century when they were brought back over from Europe.
Origin of the Modern Potato

2) [d] None of them. Caesar Salad is from Tijuana, Mexico; Fettucine primavera was created at New York's Le Cirque restaurant; Chicken Tetrazzini was named for Italian opera singer Luisa Tetrazzini, but created in New York.
More food history

3) [c] United States. Liederkranz was created in Monroe, New York in 1892.

4) [b] In 1925 a New Yorker had 17,000 restaurants to choose from.
Additional New York food facts

5) [a] Breakfast cereals from Battle Creek, Michigan. I particularly like the name Orange Meat, a competitor to Grape Nuts. Grape Nuts had no grapes and no nuts, and Orange Meat had no oranges and no meat.
Breakfast cereal trivia

6) [c] Moxie Nerve Food Company of Boston, famous for its soft drinks.

7) [d] The price of a Hershey bar remained 5 cents for 67 years, until 1970. The size shrank considerably though.
Candy bar trivia

8) [a] Hershey was a candy maker who became rich selling caramels. He sold his caramel business in 1900 for $1 million dollars and started making milk chocolate.

9) [b] $283.29. Asa G. Candler another Atlanta pharmacist later bought the Coca-Cola formula for $2,000 from the new owners, and when he in turn sold the company in 1919, it was worth $25 million.
Coca-Cola trivia

10) [d] Canada supplies over 75% of the world's maple syrup.
More about maple syrup

Bonus: If you haven’t noticed yet, [e] is never the correct answer.



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