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Stomach Food Quotes

"The receipts of cookery are swelled to a volume; but a good stomach excels them all."
William Penn (1644-1718)


“The poor man must walk to get meat for his stomach, the rich man to get a stomach to his meat.”
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) ‘Poor Richard's Almanac’


    “'Tis not a year of two shows us a man:
    They are all but stomach, and we all but food;
    To eat us hungerly, and when they are full,
    They belch us.”

    Emilia to Desdemona in 'Othello'
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616)


“Waiter! Waiter! WA-Y-TER!.....Is that beef killed for my porterhouse steak I ordered last week?”
George G. Foster, columnist (1814-1856)

“We are but the veriest, sorriest slaves of our stomach. Reach not after morality and righteousness, my friends; watch vigilantly your stomach, and diet it with care and judgment.”
Jerome K. Jerome, 'Three Men In A Boat' (1889)


"Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography."
Robert Byrne


“Abdomen, n.  The temple of the god Stomach, in whose worship, with sacrificial rights, all true men engage. From women this ancient faith commands but a stammering assent. They sometimes minister at the altar in a half-hearted and ineffective way, but true reverence for the one diety that men really adore they know not. If woman had a free hand in the world's marketing the race would become graminivorous.”
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) 'The Devil's Dictionary' (1911)


“Every investigation which is guided by principles of nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach.”
Athenaeus (c. A.D. 200)

“The stomach carries the heart, and not the heart the stomach.”
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish author. (1547-1616)
‘Don Quixote de la Mancha’


“In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink, and the rest left empty.”
The Talmud


“When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting.”
Saint Jerome (347-420)


“They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, They belch us.”
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)


“Content the stomach and the stomach will content you.”
Thomas Walker (1784-1836)


“The ravenous stomach....It is the least refined of organs, a fetid, rank and gaseous trough that knows but the pressure of fullness, the cavernous echo of emptiness - a pink, moist, hairless creature whose call is a belch, and who responds to its ingesta with delirious contractions and metallic bleeping. It is, all in all, an uncouth performance. Devoid of dream and imagination, lacking the lambent finesse of the heart, ignorant of the sweet language of the sex organs, the stomach sweats and steams and grunts most happily.”
Richard Selzer, 'The Belly' (1975).
Consuming Passions, Jonathan Green, ed. (1985)



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