MARCH 22 - Today in Food History• [United Nations World Water Day] (Water Trivia) (Water Quotes) • National Bavarian Crepes Day (Crepe Recipes) • The earliest day on which Easter Sunday may occur. • Ag Appreciation Week: March 17-24, 2024 [Community Agriculture Alliance] A time to recognize and celebrate the importance of agriculture. (Farms & Farmers Trivia) • [National Agriculture Week] (March 17-23, 2024) A time to celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture • [National Poison Prevention Week] (March 17-23, 2024 - 3rd wk March) Established by Congress on September 16, 1961 [PL 87-319] • American Chocolate Week (March 17-23, 2024) (Chocolate Trivia & Facts --- Chocolate Quotes) On this day in:1630 Boston, Massachusetts enacts the first colonial gambling legislation, banning all cards, dice and gaming tables "under pain of punishment." (Massachusetts Food Trivia) 1765 Britain enacted the Stamp Act, which imposed a tax on every piece of printed paper used in the American colonies (see also Aug 14, 1765) 1841 Cornstarch method patented. Englishman Orlando Jones patented a method for making cornstarch in 1841. (Cornstarch Tips) 1932 Sidney Craig was born (died July 21, 2008). Co-founder with his wife, Jenny Craig, of the Jenny Craig chain of diet centers. (Articles on Diets & Dieting) (Diets and Dieting Quotes) 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Cullen-Harrison Act, allowing the manufacture and sale of 3.2% beer (3.2 % alcohol by weight). It becomes effective on April 7, 1933, in advance of Prohibition's repeal on Dec 5, 1933. 1947 Musician Patrick Olive of 'Hot Chocolate' was born today. 1960 Agnes Arber died. Arber was a British botanist, who wrote 'Herbals: Their Origin and Evolution' (1912) and 'The Gramineae: A Study of Cereal, Bamboo and Grass' (1934). 1962 The play 'I Can Get It for You Wholesale’ opened on Broadway in New York City.
1975 'Lady Marmalade' by LaBelle is #1 on the charts. 1981 U.S. first class postage rates are raised to 18 cents and post cards to 12 cents. 1985 Clara Peller, the "Where's the Beef" lady in Wendy's burger commercials (Jan 10, 1984), was fired for making a spaghetti sauce commercial for Campbell Soup Co. Wendy's said this caused her to lose credibility. 2021 Coronavirus: A new surge of infections has begun in Europe, linked to new variants; Italy and France enter new lockdowns.