FEBRUARY 22 - Today in Food History• National Margarita Day (Margarita History & Trivia) • Cook a Sweet Potato Day (?) (Sweet Potato Recipes) (Sweet Potato Nutrition --- Sweet Potato Trivia) • World Sword Swallower's Day (Feb 22, 2025 -last Sat) • National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend (Feb 21-23, 2025) [Girl Scouts of America] • National CSA Week (Feb 16-22, 2025) Formerly CSA Day [CSA Innovation Network] Community Supported Agriculture • National FFA Week: Feb 15-22, 2025 [Future Farmers of America] Week of Washington's Birthday, from Saturday to Saturday encompassing February 22 • UK: [Real Bread Week] (Feb 15-23, 2025) A celebration of additive-free loaves and the people who make them. On this day in:1403 Charles VII of France was born. His mistress, Agnes Sorel, was a celebrated cook who created several dishes, and had several culinary creations named in her honor.. (Agnes Sorel soup garnish, Agnes Sorel Timbales, etc.) 1512 Amerigo Vespucci died (born March 9, 1454). Italian explorer and cartographer, he was the first to realize that America was a new previously unknown continent. German cartographer (mapmaker) Martin Waldseemüller is credited with the first usage of 'America' on a map, to honor Vespucci. 1630 Quadequina, an American Indian, supposedly introduced English colonists to popcorn. He had brought some to their first Thanksgiving dinner. (Some sources say 1631). (Popcorn Trivia) 1732 George Washington, the first U.S. president, was born. 1819 Spain ceded Florida to the United States. (Florida Food Trivia) 1870 Thomas Elkins, of Albany, New York received a patent for a 'Dining, Ironing Table and Quilting Frame Combined' 1879 Frank Winfield Woolworth opened his first 'Woolworth's Great Five Cent Store' in Utica, New York. 1893 Quebec declares beer of not over 4% alcohol is a 'temperance drink' (making it legal). (Beer Trivia) 1895 Lever Brothers Ltd. registered 'Lifebuoy' soap trademark. 1920 The first artificial rabbit is used at a dog racing track in Emeryville, California. (Rabbit Trivia & Recipes) 1925 Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt died. An English physician, he invented the short (6 inch) clinical thermometer. Before this, a foot long thermometer was used that took 20 minutes to determine a patient's temperature. Ouch! 1971 'One Bad Apple' by The Osmonds is #1 on the charts. 1987 Andy Warhol died. American painter of the pop art movement. In the 1960s he made paintings of Campbell's Soup cans, Coca-Cola cans and other American products. 1997 Scientists in Scotland announced the first successful cloning of a mammal. Dolly, a sheep was cloned from an udder cell of an adult sheep. (Dolly was actually born July 5, 1996 but only just announced). 2005 Winn-Dixie supermarket chain filed for bankruptcy reorganization. 2011 U.K. The Cornish Pasty wins "protected geographical indication" (PGI) status from European commission. Only pasties prepared in Cornwall and following the traditional recipe can now be described as Cornish Pasties. The Cornish Pasty Association said a genuine Cornish pasty had a distinctive "D" shape and was crimped on one side, never on top. "The texture of the filling is chunky, made up of uncooked minced or roughly cut chunks of beef (not less than 12.5%), swede, potato, and onion with a light seasoning. The pastry casing is golden in colour, savoury, glazed with milk or egg and robust enough to retain its shape throughout the cooking and cooling process without splitting or cracking. The pasty is slow-baked and no artificial flavourings or additives must be used." 2021 Coronavirus: U.S. death toll surpasses 500,000; however infections, hospitalizations and deaths are slowing; as more than 44 million in U.S. have received at least one dose of vaccine.