AUGUST 2 - Today in Food History• National Ice Cream Sandwich Day (Recipe for Cinnamon Mocha Ice Cream Sandwiches) • International Beer Day (August 2, 2024 - 1st Fri) (Beer Trivia & Facts -- Beer & Brewing Articles) • [National Salad Week] (July 28-Aug 3, 2024 - 4th week in July) (Salad Recipes) • [World Breastfeeding Week] (Aug 1-7) On this day in:1820 John Tyndall was born (died Dec 4, 1893). British physicist. He is popularly remembered as the first to explain why the sky is blue (atmospheric molecules preferentially scatter the sun's blue rays). 1861 The first U.S. national income tax is passed to aid the Union war effort. 1887 Chester A. Hodge of Beloit, Wisconsin received patent No. 367,398 for 'spur rowel' barbed wire. Consisting of spur shaped wheels with 8 or 10 points mounted between 2 wires. (One of many patents for barbed wire. See also Nov 24, 1874) (Barbed Wire Trivia) 1904 Michael J. Owens received a patent for a 'Glass Shaping Machine' (patent assigned to the Toledo Glass Company). 1917 The world's first ocean-going concrete ship, Namsenfjord, was launched in Norway by N.K. Fougner. 1921 The 'Sunbeam' trademark was registered, first used for electric flat irons. 1922 Alexander Graham Bell died (born March 3, 1847). Scottish-American inventor of the telephone. 1963 Eric Clapton leaves the 'Roosters' to form the band 'Casey Jones and the Engineers.' 1980 The oldest known goldfish in Great Britain, Frederica, died at the age of 40. 2002 A jury awarded $120 million to 17 bakery workers who sued Interstate Brands for racial discrimination. 2017 The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 22,000 for the first time, at 22,016.24.