See also: Egg Whites;   Egg Yolks;   Eggs, Boiled;
Kitchen Tips for Eggs

EGGS: Egg Trivia, Egg Facts

The U.S. produced 90 billion eggs in 2005, up from 68.1 billion in 1990.

A chicken egg shell has as about 17,000 tiny pores on the surface of the shell.

A hen requires about 24 to 26 hours to produce one egg, but one hen was reported to have produced 7 eggs in one day.

About 2/3 of the chicken eggs produced in the U.S. each year are sold in the shell. The other 1/3 are broken out of their shells,so  they can be made into liquid, frozen, dried and specialty egg products.

An average hen lays an average of 266 eggs per year. The record is 371 eggs in one year.

In 2003, an estimated 87.2 billion eggs were produced in the U.S., with about 85 percent of them destined for human consumption
USDA Economic Research Service.

U.S. per capital consumption of eggs in 2003 was the equivalent of 254 eggs, an increase of 19 eggs per person from 1990. (USDA Economic Research Service).

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the record for throwing a fresh egg without breaking it is 317 feet, 10 inches.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) reports that something less than 1/2% of all foodborne illness is related to eggs. According to the USDA, only one egg in 20,000 might be contaminated with Salmonella. Based on the USDA statistics, that means that the average person might eat a contaminated egg once in 84 years.

When duck eggs are boiled, the white turns bluish and the yolk turns a reddish orange.

Emu eggs range from medium to very dark green in color and weigh about 3/4 pound.  The eggs are mostly yolk, and are very mild in flavor.

Eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator.

The breed of hen determines the color of the shell. Breeds with white feathers and ear lobes lay white eggs; breeds with red feathers and ear lobes lay brown eggs.

USDA grading system for eggs:



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