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By Vincent M.  Holt (1885)


PART I     Why Not?
PART II    Insect Eaters
PART III   Insects That Are Good To Eat, And Something About Their Cooking

Contents   Pg 1   Pg 2   Pg 3   Pg 4   Pg 5   Pg 6   Pg 7   Pg 8   Pg 9   Pg 10


In entering upon this work I am fully conscious of the difficulty of battling against a long-existing and deep-rooted public prejudice.  I only ask of my readers a fair hearing, an impartial consideration of my arguments, and an unbiassed judgment.  If these be granted, I feel sure that many will be persuaded to make practical proof of the expediency of using insects as food. There are insects and insects. My insects are all vegetable feeders, clean, palatable, wholesome, and decidedly more particular in their feeding than ourselves. While I am confident that they will never condescend to eat us, I am equally confident that, on finding out how good they are, we shall some day right gladly cook and eat them.

Contents   Pg 1   Pg 2   Pg 3   Pg 4   Pg 5   Pg 6   Pg 7   Pg 8   Pg 9   Pg 10


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