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Consumption Confessions II


by Katharine Branham - Archive of Katharine’s Articles

Well, as you know, folks, the holidays seem to bring out the worst eating habits of many. While I myself have to admit that I have eaten pie for breakfast before. I know it was not a good choice. To make matters worse, my daughter made an exception by the fact it was an apple pie and we had not been to the grocery store in two weeks. The pie came to my door as a gift (not that I didn’t love the present mom). The Pie of the Month Club was there and my work schedule was so hectic that I had no energy to shop -- so I ate the junk there in my laziness. 

     You and I both know that mentality it is wrong, but the holiday’s is when we start to let things slide. Of course by the time spring is starting to bloom, most women who would like to wear a swimsuit are at home torturing themselves with crazy diets, frozen diet meals, and some slim it-off tabs that promise you slim results. What you should be focusing on is watching your intake now when you are out enjoying the holidays. It only take’s changing your mindset to something more reasonable. We have all heard of the funny advice when you have a public speaking job and are nervous…to think of the audience in their underwear. It makes it easier, because they are no longer intimidating. Well here is what I do. I may nibble here and there at a party, but not anymore than what would fit in the palm of my hand. When I feel the craving for that thick chocolate cake or a slice of cheesecake, I picture all the people piling it high on their plates in their underwear. I lose my want for the food and find a friend to chat with.

     I am going to leave you with one thought…and you people know who you are. If you are at a party, or a buffet, this season that happens to be on the company, go easy. This has some of you seeing a green light, and wanting to clear your plate with returns for more is only expanding your waistline. The forty extra pounds that will be on later to rid yourself of somewhere down the line, is not worth all the buffets in the world.

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