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1) What president proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving Day, and when was it celebrated?

2) What president made Thanksgiving an annual holiday (to be commemorated on the LAST Thursday in November)?

3) In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving from the LAST Thursday in November. Three years later, in December 1941, a joint session of Congress changed it again (in part because not all states complied with Roosevelt's choice).
- A) To what day did Roosevelt change Thanksgiving?
- B) Why did he change it?
- C) To what day did Congress change Thanksgiving?

4) When is Canada's national Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

5) True or False - All of the following celebrate annual Thanksgiving holidays:
Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Laos, Liberia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Grenada and the Virgin Islands, Mexico.

6) Name these parts of a Turkey:
- A) The red/pink fleshy growth on the head and upper neck.
- B) The long, red flesh growth from the base of the beak that hangs down over the neck.
- C) The bright red appendage at the neck.
- D) The black lock of hair on the chest of the male turkey.

7) Domesticated turkeys cannot fly, but wild turkeys can fly for short distances.
- A) How fast can wild turkeys fly?
- B) How fast can wild turkeys run?

8) What is a 'Turken'?

9) Who wrote the following:
"I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen as the Representation of our Country; he is a Bird of bad moral Character, like those among men who live by sharpening and robbing, he is generally poor and often very lousy.....The turkey is...a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original Native of America."

10) Turkey eggs are:
• a) White.
• b) Brown.
• c) Creamy white with red/brown speckles.
• d) Light brown with bluish speckles.



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