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1) This culinary dish, like many others, has several stories that are told about how and where it originated. It was created at Delmonico's in New York, or maybe at Claridge's Hotel in London, or even in Miami, Long Island or at the Waldorf. It may have been created by Foxhall Keene (or J.R. Keene), or by the Chef at Claridge's (and named for his father). Other stories tell of its creation by Chef George Greenwald at the Brighten Beach Hotel, and named for his boss. The date of its creation range from 1881 to the 1920s!
Can you name this culinary preparation?

2) This West Indian tropical fruit is the primary source of vitamin C supplements that are labeled as 'natural.' 
Can you name this fruit?

3) These usually reddish colored beans have a slightly sweet taste, and are frequently used in confections, but are also served with rice, eaten as sprouts, on their own as a vegetable, dried, ground into bean meal (which can be made into a paste used in ice cream). They are popular in Japan and China, and have been cultivated there for well over 2,000 years.
Name that bean!

4) What is a "Buck Rabbit" (besides being a male rabbit)?

    a) A popular 1930's cocktail.
    b) A type of farmers cheese.
    c) A type of cheese sandwich.
    d) A 'mock' rabbit stew.
    e) A type of sausage.

5) Thought to have been cultivated since about the 13th century in Europe, Brassica oleracea gemmifera are usually sold loose rather than on the stalk. These vegetables are high in carbohydrates and fiber, and are also good sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Great Britain has more than 5 times the acreage of this vegetable planted as all of the U.S. combined. In France and Belgium, small ones smaller than a grape are preferred.
Name this vegetable.

6) Formerly, there was a separate Bride's Cake and a Groom's Cake.
Which one is now the classic 'Wedding Cake'?

7) What is Gremolata or Gremolada?

    a) Minced parsley, lemon zest and garlic.
    b) An Italian ice.
    c) Toasted fine bread crumbs.
    d) Chopped onions, celery and carrots.
    e) A type of sausage.

8) What culinary preparation was created in the 1920s at San Francisco's Palace Hotel and named after a play, to honor George Arliss who was appearing in the play?

9) If you were a geophagist (someone who practices 'geophagy'), what unusual item would you include in your diet?



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