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1) This liqueur is flavored with citrus fruit peel, mace, aromatic balm, and other herbs and spices.  Can you name this liqueur of Polish origin and the 'leafy' ingredient it is known for?

2) It is the middle of the night and you stop at a diner in New Jersey. You hear a waitress shout an order to the cook, "A full house and stretch, squeeze it seaboard." Not knowing diner jargon, but liking the sound of it, you order the same. Five minutes later you are handed a bag and a check.

3) This dish has many names and variations, including 'Norwegian omelete.' It has been so popular that many have claimed to have created it, including an American physician, but it may have originated with a chef at the Chinese mission in Paris. The American version was created to commemorate a famous American land acquisition.
What is the name of the American version of this 'omelette Norvegienne’?

4) Antoine's Restaurant in New Orleans has been around for over 150 years. One of the dishes it is famous for was created and named for a member of an equally famous American family.
Can you name this dish?

5) What French cheese is traditionally made with a layer of protective resinous pine ash on top of the curds from the morning milking, and the curds from the evening milking placed on top of that. This produces a cheese with a layer of ash that runs through the middle. One story says that this began when someone accidentally dropped the curds from the morning milking on the floor.
Can you name this cheese?

6) The name of this tree and its fruit comes from an Arab expression meaning 'date of India.' This slow growing evergreen is thought to have originated in tropical Africa, but has been grown in India for so long that many believe it to be native there also. It is now widely grown in Latin American. The fruit is pleasantly acidic, and is used much like lemon or lime juice in Southeast Asian and Indian cooking, and the pulp is also popular for a thirst quenching beverages in Latin America.
Name this fruit.

7) Persillade, Aioli, Sopa de Ajo, Skordalia, Aillade, Bourride, Gremolata, Kielbasa, Linguica, Ouillade, Pesto, Rouille.
What do all of these dishes have in common?
a) They are all French.
b) They are all Italian.
c) They all contain garlic.
d) The all contain olive oil.
e) They are all served cold.
f) They are all served hot.

8) This member of the grass family has been grown in India for about 4,000 years, and has been a major crop in Africa for many years before that. It was used as a staple food in China thousands of years before rice, and is still a major cereal crop in Africa. Today, the largest producers are the U.S., China and India. It is used as a feed grain, in porridges, unleavened bread and beverages.
What is this plant.
a) Barley.
b) Sorghum.
c) Rye.
d) Millet.
e) Oats.



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