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"The Christians stayed three months in Autiamque, enjoying the greatest plenty of maize, beans, walnuts, and dried plums (persimmons); also rabbits, which they had never had the ingenuity enough to ensnare until the Indians there taught them."
The Lord Inquisitor; Expedition of Hernado de Soto
The first written record of the term Welsh rabbit:
"I did not eat of cold beef, but of Welsh rabbit and stewed cheese."
John Byron, ‘Literary Remains’ (1725)
"There was an Old Person whose habits,
Induced him to feed upon Rabbits;
When he'd eaten eighteen,
he turned perfectly green,
Upon which he relinquished those habits."
Edward Lear, English artist, writer (1812-1888)
known for his 'literary nonsense' & limericks
“Hare is respectable, even distinguished; rabbit is common and vulgar, and it is good form to turn up the nose at it.”
Waverley Root, 'Food' (1980)
“The hare has always been game, not an adjunct of feudal economy, and highly regarded as a richly flavoured food. That's really the difference - the hare rich and gamey in flavour, the rabbit (good wild rabbit) fresh and succulent. The hare makes one think of port, burgundy, redcurrant jelly, spices and cream; the rabbit needs onions, mustard, white wine, dry cider and thyme.”
Jane Grigson (1928-1990) 'Good Things' (1971
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