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Chinese Food Quotes

“I prefer the Chinese method of eating....You can do anything at the table except arm wrestle.”
Jeff Smith (The Frugal Gourmet)

“Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of other useful objects, and who have a noble history extending back 3,000 years haven't yet worked out that a pair of knitting needles is no way to capture food?”
Bill Bryson, 'Notes From A Small Island' (1995)

On Chinese food and Chopsticks: "You do not sew with a fork, and I see no reason why you should eat with knitting needles."
Miss Piggy, 'Miss Piggy's Guide to Life' (1981)

"When it comes to Chinese food I have always operated under the policy that the less known about the preparation the better. ... A wise diner who is invited to visit the kitchen replies by saying, as politely as possible, that he has a pressing engagement"
Calvin Trillin, ‘Third Helpings’ (1983)

"(In Canton) the Chinese fondness for snacks and small eats reaches a kind of apotheosis."
E.N. Anderson, quoted in Ken Hom's
'The Taste of China'


“The method of making doufu dates back to Liu An (179-122 B.C.), the Prince of Huainan. It is made of soya beans, either the black or the yellow variety.”
Ancient Chinese work on medicinal herbs

“Never eat Chinese food in Oklahoma.”
Bryan Miller (NY Times Restaurant Critic)

Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian;
wine and tarragon make it French.
Sour cream makes it Russian;
lemon and cinnamon make it Greek.
Soy sauce makes it Chinese;
garlic makes it good.”

Alice May Brock (of Alice's Restaurant fame)

“I'm not sure ginseng is any better for you or me than a carrot, but just in case the Chinese are right, I grow it in my garden. I stick a root in a jug of gin and call it Old Duke's Gin and Ginseng.”
James Duke, USDA botanist, as quoted in ‘The Wall Street Journal’

“I eat at this German-Chinese restaurant and the food is delicious. The only problem is that an hour later you're hungry for power.”
Dick Cavett

[Tofu or bean curd] is “the most usual, common, and cheap sort of Food all China abounds in, and which all in that Empire eat, from the Emperor to the meanest Chinese; the Emperor and great Men as a Dainty, the common sort as necessary sustenance. It is called Teu Fu, that is Paste of Kidney Beans. I did not see how they made it. They drew the Milk out of the Kidney Beans, and turning it, make great Cakes of it like Cheeses, as big as a large Sive, and five or six fingers thick. All the Mass is as white as the very Snow, to look to nothing can be finer....Alone, it is insipid, but very good dress'd as I say and excellent fry'd in Butter.”
Friar Domingo Navarrete


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