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ANSWERS ARE BELOW   (A New quiz every day)


1) All of the following events took place in the same year.
What year is it?
· George W. Brown of Galesburg, Illinois, received a patent for the first successful mechanical corn planter.
· The Waseca County Horse Thief Detectives are organized in Wilton, Minnesota.
· Work began on a 2 mile long, 5 foot diameter, water supply tunnel for Chicago.
· The first reported camel race in the U.S. was held at Agricultural Park in Sacramento, California.

2) What popular 18th century beverage was named after a village in Germany, and is still popular today?

3) What well known cocktail takes its name from iron mines in Cuba?

4) What was the first ready to eat cereal?



1) All of the events took place in 1864.
  (Food History Timeline: 1860-1864)

2) Seltzer water, named for Niederselters, a town in the Wiesbaden region of Germany.

3) The Daiquiri cocktail, made of rum, lime juice and sugar, takes its name from the village and iron mines of Daiquiri near Santiago, Cuba, where the cocktail  originated around 1900. It was named either by American engineers working there, or by the U.S. troops who arrived there in 1898. (Although at least one source claims it did not appear until after World War I)

4) James C. Jackson, a follower of Sylvester Graham (who praised the virtues of whole grain flour, which was soon to be called Graham flour) developed what he called 'GRANULA' in 1863.  Granula was Graham flour dough baked into dry loaves, broken into chunks and baked again, and then ground into still smaller chunks. This was the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. (C.W. Post used basically the same recipe for Post's Grape Nuts in 1898).  By the way, 'Granola' (baked wheat, oats and corn nuggets) was developed in 1877 by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (before he formed the cereal company with his brother). He originally called his cereal 'Granula', but was sued by Jackson, and they compromised on the name 'Granola'.





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