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1) This native of Queensland is one of Australia's few contributions to the world's food plants, this tree and its food product were named for an Australian chemist who was born in Scotland. It is said that he never tasted the food named after him.
Name this chemist and the tree.

2-A) What country produces 2/3 of the world's garlic?
• a) Mexico
• b) China
• c) United States
• d) Italy
• e) Brazil

2-B) Bonus question: What state produces 84% of U.S. domestic garlic?

3) This organic acid is the main acid present in apples and other fruits. It is also found in grapes, especially those grown in colder areas. It is used as a food additive and flavoring agent in candies and beverages.
Name this acid.

4) In old cookbooks, a name sometimes given to the cantaloupe. This tropical tree and its fruit is native to India, and is actually in the cashew family.
Name this tree.

5) This water soluble vitamin is related to a tobacco alkaloid, and is used to treat pellagra.  Good sources are meat, poultry, fish, peanuts, and whole grain cereals.
Name this vitamin.

6) This Lebanese specialty is composed of bulgur, parsley, mint, tomatoes, onions, olive oil and lemon juice.
Name this food.

7) This nut is still harvested mostly from the wild, although there are a few commercial plantations in its native area (attempts to cultivate it elsewhere have been mostly unsuccessful). The trees (Bertholletia excelsa) grow to a typical 150 feet high, and the 'fruit' that contains the nuts weigh 5 pounds each! Gathering them when they fall to the ground can be dangerous, so harvesters carry shields to protect themselves. There are 8 to 30 nuts inside the hard coconut-like 'fruit', and an axe must be used to open it. The nuts have a high oil content of about 65% by weight.
Name this nut.

8-A) When and where were the first practical vending machines used in the U.S., and what did they vend?

8-B) When did the first soft-drink vending machines appear?

9) When you see the term 'Veronique' on a menu, what one item can you be sure the dish will contain?

10-A) What family of plants do all of the following belong to: parsnips, anise, cumin, poison hemlock, fennel, and sea holly?
10-B) What family do these belong to: coriander, dill, caraway, goutweed, celery?



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