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1) This dish takes its name from the pan it is cooked in, which in turn comes from the Latin word for 'pan' or 'dish.' It originated in the Valencia region, traditionally cooked outdoors and eaten right from the pan.
What is the name of this Spanish dish, AND the two ingredients common in all variations of it?

2) What food product comes from a rare species of tropical American orchid?

3) This is an ancient dish mentioned in Greek and Roman literature, but the modern version from Spain contains 2 ingredients from the New World which did not arrive in Spain until the 16th century. It's classified as a salad in Andalusian cookbooks, but Americans call it a soup.
What is this confusing dish, AND what are the 2 New World ingredients?

4) a) What food related term did Shakespeare use to refer to a time of youth, innocence and inexperience?
b) Bonus question: What play, scene and act does the term come from and what character said it?

5) A deep-water fish from New Zealand that increased in popularity in the U.S. in the 1980s and 1990s. It has a mild flavor, white flesh and firm texture.
One of it's names is 'slimehead', what is it's common commercial name?

6) A small grocery store opened in 1915 by S.M. Skaggs in American Falls, Idaho grew into a chain of supermarkets which had 3,527 stores by 1931, and is still one of the largest supermarket chains.
What is the name of this grocery chain?

7) This is the name of a tart, unripened cheese from central Europe.
In German, the word is used as a figure of speech for "nonsense."
It is also the name of a group of six hypothetical particles that form the basic constituents of 'hadrons'. (Huh?)
It is also a word from a line in 'Finnegans Wake' by James Joyce ("Three ______ for Muster Mark!"). 
What is this curious word?



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