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1) This hardy Eurasian plant has been cultivated for about 4,000 years and is believed to have originated somewhere in central Asia. They are widely cultivated both for food and livestock feed, and have frequently been seen as only fit for the poor and starving.
     The ancient Greeks preferred those from Thebes, and Roman connoisseurs preferred those from Amitermes. Supposedly Henry VIII liked his roasted and the tender young leaves served in a salad. Goethe stated that "they are best mixed with chestnuts." Charles Townsend introduced many unknown Dutch varieties to England in the early 18th century, and they were cultivated in Virginia as early as 1609. They are popular in Italy, where they are known as 'broccoletti di rape.' This old fashioned vegetable has recently been 'rediscovered' by many chefs.
     They grow best in cool climates. Spring varieties must be used in a short time, but winter varieties will keep for up to 2 months in a cool place. Their excellent keeping properties made them a wintertime staple.  They are low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, potassium and calcium.
Can you name this vegetable?

2) This Asian vegetable plant was first grown in the U.S. in the late 19th century as a livestock feed. It is known by many names, including green gram, lutou, look dou, moyashimame, and oorud. The small pods contain 10-14 oblong seeds about 3mm in diameter. One pound of seeds produces about 6 pounds of the most popular form of this vegetable.
a) Snow peas.
b) Mung beans.
c) Soy beans.
d) Lentils.
e) Sugar peas.

3) This cheese dates back to the 7th or 8th century, and was first produced by Irish or Italian Benedictine Monks in a valley in France, and is now considered a German cheese.
What is this multinational cheese?

4) This plum sized fruit is native to the American tropics, and were domesticated there about 3,000 years ago. The Aztec name for this fruit, 'xalxocotl' means sand plum. The fruit is classified as a berry and can be pear or apple shaped, sweet or tart, red, yellow, purple, or black, seedless or with seeds. It has been said that green ones smell like a gym, and ripe ones like the garden of Eden. The plant is a member of the myrtle family, a cousin of cloves and eucalyptus.
Name this fruit.

5) What do avocados, eggplants, cucumbers, chilies, and tomatoes have in common?

6) The purified middlings produced in flour milling of wheat, other than durum. Consisting of essentially small pieces of endosperm free from bran and germ. Often prepared and eaten as a breakfast food, especially in the U.S., and usually enriched with vitamins and minerals. Some product varieties require only one minute of boiling to prepare.
Can you name this product.

7) 'Ang mo tau eu' is an essential accompaniment for certain Malaysian dishes such as Inchee Kabin (Malaysian Spiced Fried Chicken). 'Ang mo tau eu' made its way to Malaysia by way of the British, who adopted it in England in the 1830's from India.
What is 'Ang mo tau eu'?
a) Curry.
b) Chutney.
c) Worcestershire.
d) Mustard.
e) Mangos.



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