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1) The oldest know code of laws is the Code of Hammurabi from ancient Babylonia, about 1750 B.C. What was the penalty for proprietors who were found guilty of watering down their beer?
a) life imprisonment
b) cut off both hands
c) banishment
d) the death penalty
e) they were banned from drinking beer for life

2) Haggamuggie is:
a) A Scottish drink of beer and Scotch Whiskey
b) A Yiddish word for liverwurst
c) A boiled fish stomach stuffed with chopped fish liver and oatmeal
d) A Gaelic dish traditionally eaten at Christmas
e) A Greek sweetmeat or confection

3) The first large electric advertising sign was erected in New York by the H.J. Heinz Company in 1900. What did it advertise?

4) New York deli owner and his wife's recipe are largely responsible for popularizing what side dish?

5) What chocolate is not really chocolate? and why?

6) This confection or sweetmeat originated in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean regions. It is made from ground sesame seeds, honey or sugar syrup, with other ingredients such as dried fruit, pistachio nuts, farina (semolina), and almonds sometimes added. Cinnamon and cardamom are also frequently added. The ingredients are blended together, and then heated and poured into bars or long loaves.  The name means literally 'sweetmeat' and various forms of the word may be found in Turkish, Greek, Yiddish, Arabic, etc.

7) The tree tomato is native to South America. It was given the tropical sounding name 'tamarillo' by this country in 1967, and most of the tamarillo sold in the U.S. is grown there. What country?
a) China
b) Mexico
c) New Zealand
d) Chile
e) Jamaica

8) Which has more calories and fat and why -- a plain sugared doughnut with a hole in the middle, or a round jelly filled doughnut?

9) What world reknowned cheese is associated with an major appliance manufacturer?

10) When Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin sat down to eat their first meal on the moon, what did the foil packets contain?



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