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1) This edible vegetable fat has a mild flavor and aroma. It contains natural antioxidants and is one of the most stable fats known. It can be stored up to five years, remains hard at room temperature, but melts below body temperature. In addition to it's culinary uses, it is used in cosmetics, sun tan oils, and soap.
Name this edible fat.

2) This plant most likely originated somewhere around New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean, but  long ago became distributed throughout the Pacific from Southeast Asia to Africa. It may have reached the Pacific coast of Central or South America before Columbus reached America, but was introduced to the Caribbean from Africa by Europeans.    NOTE: There are some botanists who believe that it originated in the American tropics. There is no definitive proof for either origin. 
Name this plant.
a) soy bean
b) coconut palm
c) corn
d) mango
e) guava

3) These were first made in New Haven, Connecticut in 1908 by George Smith. They were named after a race horse.
What are they?

4) This plant is used in the production of alcohol, and distilled spirits, a sweet syrup, sugar, starch, synthetic fibers such as nylon, certain plastics, in the manufacture of wood resin, lubricating oils and synthetic rubber, as an abrasive, pipes, oil, margarine, saccharin, paints, soaps, linoleum and gasohol.
Name this plant.
a) potato
b) wheat
c) corn
d) turnip
e) sunflower

5) This shrub or small tree with red, olive sized sour fruit, is a member of the dogwood family. The fruit is used in jellies or preserves, pickled like olives, or used to make wine.
Name this plant.

6) The largest importer of United States crawfish is:
a) Sweden
b) England
c) Russia
d) France
c) Brazil

7) This is an Asian member of the mint family grown for its unusually shaped edible tubers. They were introduced to Europe in the 1880s (first cultivated in France) and enjoyed popularity until the 1920s. They have been 'rediscovered' lately and their popularity has increased here in the U.S. The tubers look a string of misshapen mottled pearls (they are also described as 'petrified worms). They can be eaten raw, in salads, or stir fried, boiled, baked or in soups.
Name this plant.



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